NO Plagiarism "PITY PARTIES" on Steemit!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

It does not matter what sort of upbringing you have had – whether you came from a good home, a bad home, had great schooling or terrible schooling. It does not matter whether you have been guided adequately throughout your life or not – we ALL have an inherent understanding of what is fundamentally right or wrong
when it comes to certain things in life…

NO Plagiarism "PITY PARTIES" on Steemit!


No matter WHO you are, you KNOW these things!

STEALING for instance is WRONG!
There is not a human being alive that can honestly and truthfully stand there and say
that they see nothing wrong with taking something that is not theirs.

So PLEASE for the love of pretty little daisies can somebody tell me HOW and WHY it is that so many people here on Steemit, feel that it is ok to STEAL other people’s content and attempt to use it as their own?! This is just NOT acceptable… not in the real world and not here either!

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It doesn’t matter if it’s one paragraph, an entire article, one photo or ten photos – if it is not yours, then you have NO right to turn a blind eye to the truth and pretend that it is!

I do my best to run quite a “tight ship” in our Steemit Bloggers discord community, so I am sadly faced with having to deal with quite a bit of this sort of thing and what REALLY gets under my skin is how easily the individuals plagiarising other peoples content will LIE about it, ENDLESSLY defending themselves, or even worse attempt to create a ”pity party” for themselves, proclaiming their innocence towards being aware that they had done anything wrong in the first place.

Now, I am not talking about someone who has omitted to credit a random image. This is a mistake that many new bloggers make and is something that can be rectified easily enough. I am talking about copying and pasting an entire blog post from somewhere else and then acting SURPRISED when you are confronted about the matter, reported or downvoted…

…You were NOT born yesterday and well, neither was I! lol

As a community, I really feel that the GENUINE content creators of Steemit should stand together when it comes to things like this. I don’t think second chances should be given because there is just simply NO way that such individuals did NOT know that what they were doing was wrong, and the sad reality of the matter is that someone who is brazen enough to do things like this once… will feel no shame in doing it again…
they will simply do it smarter every time!

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For the sake of clarity on the matter, for anybody confused as to what plagiarism is… here is a rather useful article compliments of, which I would suggest you read..


For those of you that spot plagiarism on the Steemit platform or have found that your own content has been plagiarised, it is quite an easy thing to deal with… simply tag Cheetah and Steemcleaners in the comments section of the offending post –
along with a link to the original content.

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There are so many fantastically talented content creators here on Steemit and availability to endless quality content, I just don’t see why it should be diluted by individuals trying to scam a quick buck…

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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STEALING for instance is WRONG! There is not a human being alive that can honestly and truthfully stand there and say that they see nothing wrong with taking something that is not theirs.

What about politicians?

... I know that's not the point of your post, and I completely agree with you, I just imidiately thought of politicians as the one person who can "honestly" do this. Although, it might be a stretch to consider them human beings in the first place.

hahahaha I hear you.... but read again what I said (re. politicians).... they DO see it, they KNOW its wrong.... they just don't care ;)

agreed on the politicians, and @jaynie, the funniest aspect of this is when we see people crawling into the discord chats and complaining about how cheetah or steemcleaners keeps "harassing" them, when all they're trying to do is "make a few bucks" by posting others good content on STEEMIT! lol 😂 🤣

This is one of the myriad of reasons Steemit Bloggers is my spirit animal. 😊



I can SO see you pulling that face! lol!!!!

I swear someone went back in time and took this video of me. 😜

Me, circa 1969:

Great message to send out @jaynie ! I absolutely hate seeing people copy/paste work that isn't theirs. However I feel the plagiarizers honestly don't care. The ones that do it on purpose anyway. A quick buck is all they're after. I have no issue dropping a flag on those I see plagiarize though, probably the best use of the flag imo.

TRUE STORY - on ALL counts @intothewild!

"NO Plagiarism "PITY PARTIES" on Steemit!"

This is it right here, I have never got once in support of those steeling someone's work for no reasons at all. It's just degrading and insulting when you keep calm and copy someone's work without permission or credit to the owner of it. Thank you for let the cat out of the bag, you are such a kind hearted being I have met in here. How was your day?

hahahaha @tyrex ;) Love the "cat out of the bag" remark :)

That is just what is was ma'am! Seeing giggle makes me giggle here too........ Lol! 😂😂😂

Agreed... and SUCH a challenge because the world is filled with people who are looking for "money for nothing" and there are entire message board communities out there with 100,000's of members whose sole purpose in life is to find ways to "click buttons for cash."

And they actually have TUTORIALS on how to follow the bad behavior we are trying to get RID of, because "who the hell would be interested in something that actually required you to do WORK to get a reward?!?!"

Do I sound cynical or bitter? Who... MOI? No, seriously... not at all. All we can do is try to keep things as clean as possible.

Stealing is wrong. The end.

yeah, our society in general is a rather sad state of affairs these days.... it is enough to make anyone bitter lol

I totally agree. Now if there was only a way to get rid of the inane comments that add no value whatsoever aswell. I saw someone the other day, who had a lot of SP who simply flags them and writes a very witty answering comment. Wish I'd made a note of who it was as it was very entertaining. Hopefully I'll come across him again soon.

Oops sorry. Gone completely off target . . .

Thanks for the heads up on how to report plagarism. I didn't realise it was so easy. I've copied and pasted your instructions for future reference.

not off target.... that too is a problem here on Steemit! :)

Thank you for drawing attention to this issue. It has been an ongoing problem here at Steemit, and we are in a unique situation, given the reward element . We the bloggers of original material need to stay on top of this issue as best we can. There have been times (especially in the past when I was curating for Curie when I had to inform Steemcleaners of issues I found).

Hi @naquoya, It was my pleasure to do.... because yes, I agree with you 110% - we DO need to stay on top of it.... and EVERY little bit helps :)

Alas, T.S. Eliot was wrong when he wrote, "Good writers borrow, great writers steal."

hahaha indeed!!! ;)

@jaynie plagiarism is a disease which is spread all over. More often the person who blogs without passion for the shake of money,is suffered from this. Little interchange of words and translations play great role to support this. Let's make this community clean so that only passionate people lasts long here. I am with you and your works. Hope this will bring change. Good luck

Lets hope it makes a SMALL impact at the very least :) Thank you!

@jaynie Let's hope for the best

I tend to vote for posts that are only original. Now having said that I can write posts from my own thoughts and knowledge, but may use photo's to support my thoughts, but always credit my image sources.

And that is perfectly acceptable :)

What about paraphrasing then is that okay?

I don't see an issue with that, if the paraphrasing is truly expressing YOUR version of expressing something and not just replacing a couple of words from someone else's writing...

Yep! Nicely said, resteemed this one because it's 💯👌

Thanks @renalexis I appreciate the positive feedback and the support xxx

Amen! I'd rather have you steal the $10 outta my wallet than try to pawn off my own content as your own.

And I'll be sure to use tag @cheetah & @steemcleaners if I catch any intellectual property thieves - thanks!

great writing dear,,i appreciate your post..thanks for sharing...

Glad you found it useful. Thank you

Most welcome.....

Agree Dear Thanks for pointing out Resteemed @jaynie

Thank you for the support :)

nice write up.

Thank you :)

Spot on! It is something that needs to be frowned at and i am glad Steemit frowns at it because they love genuineness and creativity. They frown at laziness and these people who do "copy and paste" as i call it lack credibility and dignity. Low self esteem is also involved as they don't trust their own content. I like your fight against this. Thank you.

That is very true, but they need to find another way to get through and over their self esteem issues.... lol

You know the step towards redemption is to first acknowledge you need help. They can only change if they see the errors of their ways. With constant flags and shaming, maybe they will get through their self esteem issues. I am with you on this, totally.

very nice post @jaynie

Thanks :)

creativity full your blog. I love reading your blogs.

Thank you - I appreciate that. :)

This post very nice,,i like it..i appreciate your blog..thanks for sharing your writing blog,,best of luck.

Many thanks

Hello Jaynie I sent you a facebook message. Please can you check and reply thanks.

I agree with on this issue with one exception. In academia they include using your own work again as self-plagerism. If you are the author it should not be technically possible to plagerize yourself! Imho

My sarcastic side totally wants to copy paste this lol :P As an artist who has had to deal with this on other platforms, I'm glad to find out about how to tag Steemcleaners and Cheetah, thanks :)