Steemit Guide : How Vote Value Is Calculated on Steemit and Factors Affecting Vote Value

in steemit •  7 years ago 


Hello steemians..


As amazing steemit is, there are few things about this platform that are difficult to grasp. Even though everything is being taken care of in best possible manner in Steem Blockchain yet somehow one has to know the science behind those “under the hood” things for better understanding.

The focus of today’s post is one such thing and that is “How is vote value calculated and what are the factors that affect the change in vote value of a steemit user”.

To be honest, calculating vote value manually can be really messy, but I will try to put it in as simple words as I possibly can...

Calculation of Vote Value

Concept of Vests

In order to understand vote value, first you will have to make acquaintance with the word “vests”.
You might have come across this word being tossed around in few blogs. This is a pretty massive topic to cover, however, i will keep it simple and easy.

Every steemit user has 3 types of currencies in their wallets. Steem, Steem Power and SBD.

Usually we understand that Steem Power is basically Steem which is just in powered up form. While this statement may be true at a given instance, this is actually not true.

Steem (The Liquid Steem) is actually the cryptocurrency “Steem” that we know and love.
However, just like in a stock exchange, if you’d like to buy shares, you invest some of your money (your liquidated asset) to buy stocks. Now, stocks are also money but not in liquid form unless you sell those stocks to get cash. So the amount of Steem Power is basically that Stock and on steemit, that stock is called vests.

Price of vests is different from price of steem. Let’s suppose that the price of steem remains constant in market, so the amount of steem it would take to buy certain number of vests will be a much more as compared to the amount of steem it would take to buy same number of vests, today.

To summarize, in order to buy Steem Power (Vests), you would sell your Liquid Steem (Cryptocurrency) to have more influence on the platform.


One might ask that what does it mean to have 100 SP if SP is basically vests?

The value you are seeing against your SP is actually the amount of Steem that is required to purchase the amount of vests you have right now.
Its really just another way of showing things differently to make it more graspable to normal users and to keep things simple.

I hope the explanation on vests is adequate and if someone has any further questions on this, they are more than welcome to ask me in the comment section.

I would like to come back to the matter at hand, which is how to calculate vote value.

1. Get Number of Vests You Have Right Now

This is fairly easy to do and does not involve any complex calculations. Go to

Please don’t forget to write your own username as mentioned in the above mentioned link. Once inside the page, on top right corner, you can spot the amount of vests that you have. For illustration, screenshot is attached :-


I would like to add here that I am a simple man and keep things simple, which means i have neither deleagted my SP to someone nor i have received any delegation from someone. If you have done so (either delegated or received delegation), then this amount of vest is just your original SP and you will need to add received SP and will have to subtract delegated SP in order to get the total vests.

Scroll down the page of steemd and you will find some stats about your account. Look for the word “vests”, which will be somewhere in the middle. Once you spot the stats related to your vests, this is what the actual amount of vests that you have would look like:-

 Total vests = vesting shares + Received vesting shares - delegated vesting shares

This will be your total SP in terms of Vests. An illustration of where to find your vesting information on steemd is attached below.

P.S I highlighted Vesting withdraw rate in case you are in power down mode so you can further minus this value from total vests in case you need to find out that what would be your total vests after next power down.


2. Multiplying Total Vests with 1,000,000

The next step involved in calculating vote value is to multiply 1,000,000 with your total vests since steem value is associated with Mvests (mega vests) and 1 Mega = 1,000,000 units.

For explanation purposes, i would calculate my own vote value. So, for this step, my total vests would become:-

 791,669.633441 * 1,000,000 = 791669633441 Vests

3. Identifying Recent Claims

Visit and under the heading of Reward Fund, find the value of recent_claims. A screenshot is attached herewith:-


As per the site, the recent claims amount to 414,899,440,537,694,779. The recent claims are the vests that have been claimed by steemit community in terms of rewards.

4. Division of Total Vests by Recent Claim

This is fairly simple. To make it even more simple, i am naming the product of this step as X1 since it is just an intermediate result of an iteration and not the final answer. So the equation will become:-

 X1 = total vests / recent claims (vests)

 X1 = 791669633441 / 414899440537694779

 X1 = 0.0000019081

5. Multiply X1 with Reward Pool Balance

We are fairly familiar with the concept of Reward Pool. Each day, a set amount of reward pool is generated through which we earn our rewards. As the rewards are distributed amongst steemit members (in the form of upvotes), pool starts to decline.

At a given instant, will provide you with the remainder of that reward pool balance.

At the time of writing this post, reward balance is 703,681.179. So multiplying reward pool balance with X1 will be :-

 X2 = X1 * 703,681.179

 X2 = 0.0000019081 * 703681.179

 X2 = 1.3426940576499

6. Mutliplying X2 with Steem Price

Steem Price is evidently the most influential factor in calculating vote value (as we all know this already). Here, the X2 Product needs to be mutliplied with current Steem Price. The steem price is calculated as number of SBDs it takes to buy one steem.

The correct steem price on blockchain can be taken via under the heading of “feed_price”. Illustration is given below:-


Hence the actual steem price would be

 Base price / Quote 
 = 4.151 / 1
 = 4.151 SBD/Steem

Now someone might argue that since SBD is of much higher value than Steem, then why does it take 4.151 SBD to buy 1 Steem?

That is because the blockchain will always consider SBD of 1$ Value no matter if it is being sold in open market for 100$.

So Now, multiplying X2 with Steem Price would yield:-

 X3 = X2 * Steem Price

 X3 = 1.3426940576499 * 4.151

 X3 = 5.5735230333047349

7. Calculating Vote Value at 100% VP with 100% Vote Weight

My highest possible vote would deduct 2% of my VP so I will calculate my maximum vote value :-

 Vote Value = X3 * 2/100

 Vote Value = 5.5735230333047349 * 0.02

 Vote Value = 0.111470460666094698 $

 Vote Value (After rounding off) = 0.11$

And there you go. This is my highest possible vote value. If i want to use different Vote Weights under different Voting Power Percentage then i would simply multiply my Max Vote Value with VP and Vote Weight.

For instance, if I would like to see how much my vote will be worth if I am at 63% VP :-

   Vote Value at 63% = 0.11 * 0.63

   Vote Value at 63% = 0.0693 = 0.07 (appx)

If i want to throw in 50% Vote Weight on 63% VP then my vote value will be:-

  Vote Value at 63% VP and 50% VW = 0.11*0.63*0.50

 Vote Value at 63% VP and 50% VW = 0.03465 = 0.04$ (Appx)

Complete Formulae to Calculate Maximum Vote Value

To summarize, i will put the entire calculations done above in single equation :-

Max Vote Value = (Total Vests * 1,000,000 * Reward Pool Balance * Steem Price * 0.02) / Recent Claims

8. Comparing Vote Value with Known Calculators for Authenticity of Method

There is a major online service, that provides the calculator function to check the vote value. I will compare my results to it to check and verify my method of calculating vote value.

The service is Go to the link and write yor username. Check the voting power as highlighted in screenshot below and check the vote value in top right corner. This is 0.11$ which is accurate with the method i have mentioned above. You can use the calculator function to calculate your vote values at different settings of VP and Vote Worth. The screenshots are attached below:-


for 63% VP, My vote value is:-


for 63% VP and 50% Vote Weight, my vote value is:-


These findings are in-line with my method to calculate vote values manually.

Factors Affecting Vote Value

Anyone with Maths background, will have no trouble understanding factors affecting vote value since it is pretty much evident from the equation written in previous paragraph. However, i would still write it down in brief for the benefit of the entire steemit community.

As i have already mentioned the final equation to calculate vote value =

(Total Vests * 1,000,000 * Reward Pool Balance * Steem Price * 0.02) / Recent Claims

Anything that increases above the division sign will increase your vote value, anything that increases below the division sign will decrease your vote value.

Anything that decreases above the division sign will decrease your vote value and anything that decreases below division sign will increase your vote value.

Regardless of variables in equation, the most affecting factor in vote value is steem price. The higher the value of steem, the higher the value of vote will be.


In this post, i have successfully calculated the vote value to educate the masses on how vote value is being calculated behind the scenes. Of course no one needs to go through heavy iterations to check their vote value. You can always check that from the website without any hassle.

I am sure the readers have now become familiar with the concept of vote value calculation and in process, have learned about vests, reward pool and steem price as well..

Best Regards

Thumbnail image designed on canva tool with free background and rest of the images are screenshots taken from my phone is designed by @penguinpablo is designed by @roadscape

Special thanks to @vortac for his unflinching support to my blog

Kindly consider to Upvote, Follow and Resteem. I would love it if you could cast your opinions on subject in the comment section

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valuable info, thanks for sharing to us steemians, cheers!

This is uncommon knowledge! Thank you for educating me. I have resteemed the post so that others can be educated too. Such a valuable post. I have never read anything about vote value in my 9 months on Steemit, let alone a half cooked post about it.

You have done some amazing and unique work. It deserves to be appreciated and I hope it will be. is down for me due to some node issue. As soon as if comes back up, I am going to calculate my vote value. You know very well how much I am excited to know such stuff. Kudos to you for doing it!

I agree with you @ilyastarar. It's really an uncommon knowledge. This value in this post is unbelievable. Although, I was lost at some point in the post. It's something I have to read over and over again before I get a better grasp of the concept since I'm still very new to Steemit.

This part, quoted below, sums it up for me:

Regardless of variables in equation, the most affecting factor in vote value is steem price. The higher the value of steem, the higher the value of vote will be.

Thank you for this @jbn.

Thank you very much for the comment. I agree that its a lot to process for someon reading the post for the first time. I could have explained it better but then the length of this post would have blown out of proportion, which could become boring to read. Do let me know if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer those..

Thank you man for the awesome response.. i love doing stuff like this. Stuff that people normally overlook. It takes a while to study on subject to provide fellow steemians with flawless information. Thank you once again and i would be happy if you will calculate your vote value with this method. Do let me know if you are successful or not.

One word of advice. You will be dealing in huge numbers whe calculating. Don’t round off the answers before solving the final equation. Your results will be a bit different otherwise...

I agree with you, and thank you for giving us good knowledge for all the steemians. I will forward this post in the local language if you allow it. Greetings from me

I have a hard time understanding how this works. But my upvotes are only worth a penny, so how much Steem Power would I need for my upvotes to be worth something

Well thats the point.. its variable. And the upvote “worth something” is different for everyone. The easiest way for you to calculate how much your vote will be worth after having certain amount of SP is to go to
Click on the little calculator, it will open a page for you. Write down any amount of SP in steem power box and the resultant vote value will appear.

How much vote value will be worth it for you? The one you will be satisfied with?

I will use this tool more often, thanks

Yet again you nailed it JBN. It is why i like hanging around your blog. You research and bring tangible value to the table always.

A question pls...

What is essentially responsible for fluctuations in one's vote value. I mean what brings it down to zero for instance at some time of the day and restores it back at other times?


First of all thank you for the comment..

Second, the answer to your question is again a long one but i will try to summerize it:-

When you give someone an upvote, your Voting Power reduces by the factor of 2% (considering your vote worth is 100%). So for instance if i keep giving out upvotes (lets say 20 today) starting from 100%, by the end of the day, my VP will be reduced to 60%.
When your Voting Power starts reducing, your vote value reduces with it. After every 2 hours, 2% of your VP is restored.

So lets say if you have a vote value of 0.11$ at 100% VP, then at 60%, it would be 0.11*60/100 = 0.066 = 0.7 $ (Appx). And it would take 40 hours to get back to 100% VP

I checked your SP. it is 15.024 in total. And your current upvote value at 100% VP is 0.00$ .

What you are experiencing is the price change in steem.. probably sometime ago when steem price had crossed 6$, you were getting an upvote value of probably 0.01$ or 0.02$ on same amount of SP, but now that the price has fallen to 4$ and below, you are experiencing 0.00$ upvote value.

I hope this solves your problem??

I see...thank you so much sir @jbn. May I ask for your permission to copy paste this (i am using a snipping tool) to our group chat for all my invites and fellow newbies...this is the most detailed answer for all of us in the group po...

O Yes Yes sure.. why not.. knowledge is nobody’s are free to use it at your own will.

On a side note :- do let your friends know about me :p it will be nice to have few more followers :p
Cheers :)

I did sir, I always tell them in our group chat about your posts especially after resteeming it. They knew about you and I'm sure they are already your followers too. I use snipping tools to magnify it together with the source po :-) Thank you so much for giving me your permission sir :-) I will do this in the morning as it is already late and I'm having a bad cold po...God bless and be safe po :-)

I will revisit this comment sir, my voting power is low already so is my bandwidth. This is always our problem in our group most of us run out of bandwidth in the evening po...

Absolutely rich answer there JBN. Thanks so much for this very educative exposé.

You rock. Pls continue being helpful like you are. The sky is your limit.


Yet again you nailed

What is essentially responsible for fluctuations in one's vote value. I mean what brings it down to zero for instance at some time of the day and restores it back at other times?

This question has been on my mind all day @topcoach. Thank you for bringing it out.

Check the answer above please..

I didn't know how the vote was calculated. I knew that SP was actually vests, but didn't know the whole calculation to getting to vote value. That's fun stuff. Yeah, I like math, so it's fun for me.

Easy step-by-step instruction on how to figure it all out.

Thank you so much for the kind words.. haha i hope you have had fun calculating vote value via this method

Great Article @jbn
Hope now everyone has a clear idea about the votes and how to calculate them.Also steemd shows great content about the user profile and specially about the vests.Voting power is an important factor on steemit platform and have a good knowledge of voting power and vote should be known to everyone

Well you are very much right. I am always intrigued to find information about the things that are working “under the hood”, hopefully i will making few more articles such as this one to help community understand about this platform.
Thank you so much..

thanks @jbn. That's a great explanation and I've made a not of the link. I find all the figures difficult to get my head around so I learn a little bit here and little bit there.

These are 3 things I tooknote of from your post:

  • The value you are seeing against your SP is actually the amount of Steem that is required to purchase the amount of vests you have right now.
  • The steem price is calculated as number of SBDs it takes to buy one steem.
  • the blockchain will always consider SBD of 1$ Value no matter if it is being sold in open market for 100$.

Yupp.. all three statements are correct..
If you could point out that what part did you not understand, i may be able to give you a detailed answer on that particular portion.
Let me know.. cheers..

That's kind. Thanks!

It's more that with that much information my brain just seems to shut down so I learn little bits here and there and overall move forward with my understanding. 😊

haha this totally reminded me of my response in physics class in high school.. my brain used to just shut down without any warnings whatsoever. :p

I will tell you this, you are free to read this as many times as you would like to. Even if the post is past 7 days, you can always state your queries on the subject and i will be happy to answer them..

Thank you. I've have already copied the link so I can find it easily. I'm surprised your brain shut down with physics since you can understand all this stuff. They are in the same category as far as I'm concerned!

Well, we all go through some phases in our lives. I was destined to become an artist. So by default, i was never interested in either physics or chemistry or even maths in high school...

But then... life happened... :D

Appreciate your detailed walkthrough of the calculation involved. I certainly learned quite a bit.

What would be interesting is to try and understand the factors that go into the calculation algorithm. Why was the complex calculation devised with all the component factors?

Resteemed to spread the knowledge!

Haha valid question. The reason of having so many factors involved is to keep the platform progressive and abuse free. Everything is related to eachother to make sure that one factor cannot be misused to abuse the overall eco system. It is just my perception of the things. Of course only @ned and @dan would be able to fully satisfy your question.

Thank you for the follow up!

Very informative and educating post.

This is a very good explanation for everyone and you wrote it the way that is easy to understand for everyone.

I appreciate your contribution. Very good job.

Kind regards,
Anna, @arhitekt

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it..

Such a comprehensive answer. And I still don't understand huge parts of it, which says far more about me than it does you. Thanks for doing this. Bookmarked to allow me to process in bite sized chunks.

Naah dont beat yourself up.. it took me better part of 2 days to fully understand this. Lots of study and thoughts went into this post. I can totally understand that being a reader, sometimes things can be unclear.. i would be happy to answer any queries you have.. do let me know. Cheers

You're very good, thank you.

I'll get back to you!

Hi, thanks for sharing this post @jbn
Sincerely I understood very little because I do not speak English and although I am using the translator, it is a little difficult to understand the images that you used. I also do not have a good command of technology, so most of these terms are completely unknown to me. Of course it's not your fault, you explained very well how to calculate the power of votes, only that I need to familiarize myself with the terms.
I am new to steemit and I want to learn to invest in this platform although I am practically 0.
I have been reading and sharing some interesting posts about this platform with a group of friends that recently joined this community.
How I would like you to speak Spanish :) to understand you better, but I will study this post in detail to understand better how the voting power works even if my brain ends up a little fused :)
I noticed that you stopped to answer most of the comments they made to you and I liked that, I follow you and share your post because I know it will be very useful for my friends and the rest of the community.
Greetings from Venezuela.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much for the response. Though it was through a translator yet it felt original..

I am really sorry that i don’t speak spanish. I wish i could. I am sure there are alot of people on steemit (good people with great knowledge of steemit) that speak and even write posts in spanish. However, i am willing to help you in as much capacity as i can..

Thank you so much for taking time to read my post and write a beautiful comment. Bless you.. i finally know someone from Venezuela.. :)

It is also a pleasure to meet you, I look forward to your next publication that will surely be very nutritious like this one.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice article. I am also interested in finding the STEEM power from vests. This is because the STEEM API doesn't directly give you the value of STEEM power but just vests.

Did a little research and I came to a conclusion that STEEM power is simply mvests * steem_per_mvests. I can find both these values on

Actually it is all about the vests.. steem power for certain number of vests can vary due to inflation in steem. But that is good idea for a follow up post.. i will keep that in mind to explain the whole process of vests and steem power in future.. thank you brother..

I have one question po sir...It is my personal observation that one's vote value will decrease when his/her voting powers get low, is there any connection with the amount of their SP? and follow up question po, is there any difference between the SP that we are earning/redeeming(rewards) from that of the delegated SP purchased? I am sorry for asking too much but these are just some of the many questions being asked by some of our invites in the platform...thank you sir for this post, upvoted & resteemed for my dear followers po. God bless :-)

First of all, thank you for reading my post and thank you for the upvote and resteem.

Now coming towards your questions.
I will try to answer them in best possible manner, but please do not hesitate if you have more questions or if you don’t understand my answers.

  1. Vote value is supposed to decrease when your voting power is decreasing. Check out the answer i gave to @topcoach on subject. It would clear some concepts.

  2. Your second question is regarding difference between earned SP and delegated SP.

As far as steem economy is concerned, there is no difference. Lets suppose you have 200 SP of your own and you buy or ask someone to delegate 100 SP to you. So in terms of vote value, your total SP would be counted as 300 means your vote value will base on (200+100) = 300 SP.

The only difference here is that delegated SP will not remain with you forever and can be taken away by the person who delegated it to you. And once they take away the delegated SP, your vote value will drop to your original SP (which is 200 SP).
I hope this clarifies your queries.. for your first question, kindly read the detailed answer i gave to @topcoach.
Let me know if you have any further questions po. Love and blessings to you..

Thank you so much for making time to answer my questions, sir. Again, May I ask for your permission to copy paste this portion to our group chat (I use snipping tool) because most of them ask this questions. I also advised them to follow you because I know that (like me) they will all learn a lot from you po. God bless you more sir :-)

Yes yes.. sure po.. no problem at all.. happy snipping :p

Thank you so much po :-) God bless :-)

Simplified breakdown. I must confess, I love your simplicity and dedication to help and benefit others.

Keep it up.

I saw this comment when I was about to write mine. I could have answered the question but then remembered it was @jbn blog. Haha!

Hahahaha, you are too eager bro, aren’t you 😂

Thanks for the info man. I'd been wondering about how all this worked for a while. As I'm still quite new to Steemit, this helps a lot :) Looking forward to reading more posts in the future.

You are welcome man.. thank you for taking the time to read the post. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.. hopefully you will see more such posts in future from me.

Excellent source of information for a noob like me! resteemed

We are all noobs here man.. :) i am hoping that you are right about your predictions related to XRP boom.. thank you for the resteem and taking the time to read the post.. best wishes.

Very educative but I'd ne lying if I said I understand this however it is good to know that it is up here... There'll definitely be future references

Haha thank you.. but i would like to know that what part did you not understand? You can state as many questions you want to and i would be happy to answer them for you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, thanks for taking the time to fully explain what vests are and how vote value is calculated. I am not sure if I understand it 100% yet, I think I'm going to have to read this a couple more times....:)

Well.. it happens.. to be fair, this is a really complex process to understand and one can take a while to grasp things. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions related to this..
P.S i checked out your blog.. you have done some amazing work as a blogger and i am now following you. Steem on..

Thank you so much! It means a lot, I look forward to your content as well, very informative stuff :)

Impressive step-by-step logical presentation! Thank you for this post, it assembles notions I am familiar with in a way that makes sense as an entire process.

I was about to ask you where can I find the current value of the reward pool balance, but I noticed it on steemd, also in the 'reward fund' section.

But I do have a question after all: would you be so kind to share with us how much time you needed to work on this post alone?

Thank you once again for taking the time to write such a comprehensive guide!

Thank you for the comment.. thank you for the appreciation..

As for your question, i have a job as an aerospace engineer. So with that backgrond in mind, it took me nearly 3 days to figure out and study on the topic. I dedicate 4-6 hours to steemit daily. That doesn’t necessarily mean that i am here commenting or making posts during that time. Foe the past 3 days, i have been studying on this topic alone, which nearly killed my engagement level on steemit (means i was unable to visit my favourite blogs and i was unable to curate many worthy posts). But in the end, its all worth it.. isn’t it? :)
Once again thank you for the appreciation.. blessings...

Yes it is definitely worth it! I'm sure many, many steemians are and will be thankful for your hard work. And that is hard work indeed!

Thank you for the post, I have learnt a lot from it.
Great post.

What was the newest thing that you learned from this? Its always great to know that somehow my blog has helped someone in some way.. Please do leave a comment .. cheers

Great post ! I learned a lot ! Thanks :)

Thanks for sharing such a useful and informative post....

Thank you for explaination
Good tutorial and easy to understand for me

Very informative for beginners. Thanks for sharing this amazing article.

excellent information man, salute to you mate, we were in need of this information as beginners, must appreciate...

What piece of information did you find most exciting from this post? Do let me know.. it is my honour to receive your appreciation..

This is very helpful for me to understand. Thanks a lot! ;)

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice.

A very detail explanation. Thank you, I learned something today :)

Most Valuable Post. Learnt a lot from this post.
Each and Every check increases curiosity inside me.
A Very big thanks for sharing.

You got a 9.59% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @jbn!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our Discord #abuse channel.

If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.

Vary nice post @jbn.Thanks for sharing and information provided. Resteemed.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is very very helpful to understand me how to we ca successfully calculate vote value to educate the masses on how vote value is being calculated behind the scenes. Of course no one needs to go through heavy iterations to check their vote value.

Sir I appreciate your post very much.


This was pretty amazing.

My question is How is the FEED_PRICE determined?
How is it collected or inputted and who's doing it?

Also how long of a delay does it have in comparison to STEEM prices?
Perhaps you have an article or know of one about this subject.

With the recent fluctuations in prices it made me interested. Hope you still see 2 month old posts like this. haha

great post dear @jbn

Thank you

Wow so much great info. As a minnow I really appreciate this. Thanks @journeyfreedom

Its awesome and crystal clear now.

I am really glad to have helped you out

Thank, that's great explanation and complete

It is very nice post i have learned alot from this post which i never knows about.
Its all about your hard work keep it up..U5dsS1AK83DhV677mLSBNcqzAvAhNF1.gif

Thanks :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I Almost fell for it . I make it a policy to always visit the blog of a person whom i think has posted a spam comment and i was right. You have been posting this same comment on many other articles.

There is nothing wrong in the message that your are giving but it is a spam.

Plus cheetah bot has caught you time and again for being a plagiarist. And thats why your reputation score is 2. So i am flagging you as well..

Upvoting my comment for visibility to let everyone know why i flagged you..

Thank you for the insight. @gangas

I would advise you to study the profile of a shady person before saying “thank you for the insight” to them.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very informative
Thank you

Disagreement on rewards on a shit comment with a big self vote.