Lost Content?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Just typed for a half hour about this awesome trip my girlfriend & I took to Fenway Park in Boston, MA. As I was adding a few images & fixing a few spelling mistakes. POOF! Everything disappeared. Anyway to get this back?

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I use google docs for all my drafts and then push the final one to post when I'm done. It requires a little editing in steemit, but once you're done you can post right from there. Or if you're still working on it you can copy the html code back to google docs, and then just copy paste that back to steemit when you want to work on it more and post later This will keep all your edits like headers and spacing in place.

Little bit of a workaround, but on the plus side, this will get you used to building up ideas in your google docs that you can revisit when you get the spark to attack them. Ideas for stories, dank memes, whatever, just start a new doc every time you get an idea and publish when you feel you flushed it out. And if you got something funny or cool but don't know how to work it in a blog, reach out to me and I'll help you out.

Also, if you have questions like this, just hit me up. It'll tighten your blog up over the long haul.

Great advice - as for getting your content back, you probably tried hitting the back arrow on your browser and likely, nothing appeared. This has happened to me as well... lessons learned!

This just happened to my wife and she was not happy! I agree with @derekareith, you gotta use something else that auto saves, like google doc etc. Speaking of autosave.. could that feature be added?

That would be awesome!

Up-voting this feature idea. Fo sho.