The Good Word #1: A Real Estate Gal, A Drone Enthusiast, and Someone Who Works for Cirque du Soleil

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I told several people about Steemit during the past week, and got some pretty interesting responses.

Before we start: yes I know I said I'd post yesterday. But then my Obscure Anime posts and E3 coincided so.... there you have it.

Most of the people I meet and tell about Steemit are at a local cafe I frequent, although if I go to a different cafe, interact with friends, or go out for a drink or two I'll try to find someone to mention it to.

The first person I told about Steem was woman I met on the patio of the cafe I frequent who does real estate where I live. After chatting for a few moments I found out that her and her child had just moved to the area and were interested in all of the various fares and local events (we have a lot of them where I live). When she asked me what I was up to, I told her that I was on a cryptocurrency social networking site.

She looked at me like I'd just said I was from Mars.

However, I persisted:

Her: So... It works by ads, right? People click on your ads and you make money?

Me: Not exactly. There's a certain amount of this currency generated every day, and it get's portioned out based on upvotes.

Her (comprehension dawning): Oh. Let me save that in my bookmarks.

If I'd been a clever boy I'd have made her sign up right then and, ya know, maybe explained that it was about the community as much as if not much more than the money. However, baby steps. If I allow myself to sound as fanatic about Steem as I actually am, it'll scare folks off.

The second person I told about Steemit is actually a drone enthusiast that I'd met before. He frequents my cafe and I've actually met him multiple times. When I saw him recently, he'd just come back from flying drones out in the middle of nowhere with strangers who have a similar interest.... Gee, I wonder if this guy could really add something to Steemit? I told him about it and told him that he should sign up. Drop it real casual and cool, like it was no big deal. Again, I've learned the hard way that if you want to convince people a light touch is usually best, especially if you know you'll interact with them again.

Last but not least is Cirque du Soleil gal. Before you get too excited, I should say that she works in the ticket booth - she's not a performer. We got to talking, and I mentioned Steemit. She seemed curious, but not super interested. Luckily we became friends, and though she's already left with her tour, I managed to get a promise out of her to sign up in the near future.

So, it's been a busy week spreading the good word. You may be wondering why I've got no photos with these people.... Well, I need a new phone to do that.

But until then, I'll continue spreading the good word as best I can.

If any of you have told anyone about Steemit recently, I'd love to hear about it down in the comments (and so would everyone else!

Images: 1

Follow: @jenkinrocket

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yess yess yess!! yesterday I went to the movies with my lil sis and a goof friend of mine, I was talking about steem and crypto for about like 1 and a half hour and now he joined and is waiting for his confirmation to start his blog! I also made join my two sister, a brother in law and a cousin. I know the first struggle when they think is some PPC page with these ugly ass adds etc haha and we just try our best to explain that is such a wonderful social media with crypto involved. keep the good work!

Hey, thanks! Yeah, I had one friend of mine say she was afraid to go to the site at work because she thought porn ads might pop up! Lol. But persistence does win. Thanks for reading and for sharing your story!