Exploring how steemit community can help to make a decent life - Report of a newbie celebrating a second month on steemit! Thank you!!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today, I am happy to celebrate with you my second month on the platform as well as the first 200 followers on this account! Thank you to all of you who are enabling me to make the @globalschool and projects a reality!

During this second month I have been experiencing a lot on the platform with the goal to demonstrate myself and to the various communities and friends I am involved with that the usage of the steemit platform can effectively help anybody and organizations to be independent financially or to raise funds to develop projects.

After this second month, I already wanted to express my gratitude and thankfulness to all of you who have shown me support from the beginning on this wonderful tool. Thank you for having taken the time to exchange a bit, to share a smile, to motivate, to explain how to navigate and use this incredible platform regorging of opportunities.

It has been an incredible and fun adventure already, traveling, learning, sharing and meeting wonderful people and explore their experiences and talent, and I am looking forward to the fun and joy that I know is coming.

I also wanted to tell to all of new steemit users who are not sure on how to proceed or can be frustrated to not find an audience, do not lose motivation, yes it is possible to make a small revenue after some months, as you can see with my account, from the second month without being anybody known or having previous success, I made little more than 100 SDB, which represents around 400 euros today.

Be sure, it is not the awards won in the past with my friends which are making the joy and success of today with you all. It is only because of going continuously towards new people with whom I feel the most empowered and doing my best to contribute to what they are doing. Your daily support while I am taking initiatives, this is the most rewarding and I am really happy about it. This means a lot about my convictions and on how I can effectively contribute helping my friends who want to make the world a better place. More I am getting old, less I like to impose myself or any idea, but I am willing to do my best and improve whatever I could if I found the opportunity and trust to contribute while respecting both personal and collective values which are giving a sense to what I am aiming for. So again thanks to all of you who are enabling people to respect their own life expectations and choices by empowering and supporting them to be more independent and sustainable!

Please, if you are reading me and in need of help, make what is necessary to be visible, go to talk to the people who are inspiring you and who are motivating you, tell them, ask them what you are willing to do and how they can help you without forgetting to be respectful. It is only by asking or being clear towards your goals you'll find help. And don't forget the most successful of us need help too. Believe it or not, we have all have our own ways and measures of satisfaction, a lot of people would think that is ridiculous to celebrate only 200 followers or winning only 100 sbds after 2 months, but like everyone, you'll find your way to be happy and trust in the present!

For those who like numbers, below a little recap of these 2 months together.

2 months on the steemit platform in numbers:

nearly 200 new friends!

Thanks to your daily support and resteems, you are now arounds 200 following this account!

Nearly 100 SP delegated

I had the chance to get nearly 100 SP deleguated thanks to @beers and the help of @twinner!

Credit: @stealthtrader

won +100 SBD

Joining 3 steemit meetups!

During these last months I have been lucky to participate to 3 steemit meetups! 2 in Vienna and one in Munich!

3 weeks of steemit-workshops

Made 3 weeks of crypto-education #creative-commons, #slothicorn & steemit-related workshops at the @globalschool with a group of 9 students coming from Hungary.

5 friends joined steemit!

I invited a lot of friends, 5 already joined and I have been happy to to introduce 3 of them @cajila, @carinalopes and @wolfgangsieberth, the next should be @bialbo!

2 payouts (+3 pendings)

Made 2 payouts to support new users with the rewards of the article made to introduce them. 3 other payouts are pending, one for the introduction post of @cajila, another for the contributors of the preparation workshop table and the last for the winner of the slothicorn newsletter annoucement contest.

Spent SBDs with steemconnect

Spent SBD to test steemconnect and create a prototype for a meetup app.

Tested 7 upvoting bots!

At the date of this post, I experienced to use the following voting and promoting bots:

Conclusion: bots are great to promote your posts, find new readers and grow your influence faster! Unfortunately if a lot of big accounts are using repeatedly bots and are making campaign using a lot of them simultaneously, it can be very hard to position a bid which will really bring you financial benefits, or you’ll need to expose yourself to take some risks and invest a bigger bid to ensure you to have an eventual benefit. I’ll try to find more relevant infos to share with you on how to proceed and get the best return using voting and promoting bots in the future.

Organised a 10 SBDs contest!

Inspired by the cooperation with @stellabelle, I decide to organize a first contest giving 10 SBDS to support and celebrate the cooperation with the @slothicorn movement and announce the newsletter project starting from March with the @globalschool participants as well as online contributors.

The best while organizing such contest is to get to really meet new people. It is how I get the occasion to meet @marpa who won the contest and really get to inspired by her way of being! =)

Created an account using blocktrades

Spent SBD to create the @globalschool (crediting it also of some steem).

Started cooperating with (notably)

From the first month, I did my best to explore the platform and already get the chance to cooperate with awesome initiative federated by wonderful people.

I get the chance to meet @alexandravart and her initiative @ccommons.art who featured the @globalschool and provided a first contribution to the participatory project in her "Wall of Fame". Alexandra has been the first creative contributor talking about the global school and realizing a visual to explain what the project is bout in few words. She is currently building a team, so do not hesitate to get in contact with her if you are motivated!

artwork by: @alexandravart & @jnmarteau & @khansa +free Clipart from palomaironique

@stellabelle founded the #slothicorn collective with the help of @inquiringtimes, @rubenalexander and a lot of amazing people they are empowering creatives, raising awareness and funds to provide a universal basic incomes and a framework for open participation using crypto to increase the accessibility to the @creative-commons initiative hosted by @shortcut.

More idea or want to contribute? Join on discord for a chat. =)

@ghulammujtaba is supporting actively the gift economy revolution, you’ll find a lot of interesting info on his profile!

I cordially invite you to read his article about how to run your steemit account in a gift economy.

@nicoletta is organizing the steemit meetups in Vienna and is representing the community, do not hesitate to contact her if you need help or advices!

@manncpt gave a daily help in reviewing, translating and helping to improve my posts as well offer gently the hosting for the @globalschool workshops at the Hug Inn Vienna. Thank you Christoph for all your help from the beginning!

@martinamartini, @peter2017, @mammasitta, @welcoming, @hr1, @bodymindsoul, @reconnectnature, @smallstepschange, as well as all the Germanm the Austrian community and a lot of other generous people have been really kind showing their interest support and welcoming! Thank to all of you for your friendly and encouraging messages as well as for your contributions to make the global school a reality and for supporting me!
@akashas was the first to offer her help whitout excepecting anything as soon as I arrived on steemit! She shown me the way and I am really happy that I got the chance to be inspired by her act of generosity! Thank you again for this awesome help!

I can't forget also to thanks @lizanomadsoul who has been the first to gave me an automatic upvote as well as to advance me some steem dollars when I needed help. Thank you Liz for your trust and early support! I hope everyone can find such help. Without it could be really hard to begin and to keep motivated!

Some days ago, I also contacted @jerrybanfield to ask him some help. I'll do my best to continue on that way and follow the advices of all the experienced people who are sharing great example and inspiration as well as pursue to develop cooperation with all the motivated people who are crossing my path.

Thank you again everyone, it is taking a lot of time to contribute on the platform as I really want to, but I am sure with your help and support I'll finally find ways to sustain and develop the Global School as well as to live, travel to meet and learn with all of you! I am looking forward to enjoy the next steps with you! And please do not hesitate if you need help or anything, I'll do the best to react as soon as I can! =)

I just found out, the next group of students is arriving tomorrow and not next week as I thought, so I'll finish this post faster than I was thinking and go to sleep sharing with you again these meaningful words:

Please!!! If you are an artist not doing art, trapped in a financially secure job, but unhappy, stop that!!!
Come to steemit, work at it like it's your job, doing your beautiful art and just shearing it with people and in a few months you will be fine. - @alexandravart

PS: Check out this article Art on The Blockchain: Solutions For Starving Artists? @artnome Interview

All the best,

If you like the initiatives in which I am enaged, please consider sharing some SP or make a donnation to the following accounts (of your choice):

Each single Steem Power or donation you are sharing will help. With your support and generosity, we will do our best to raise more awareness to find always more ways to help people to make a life out of their creativity! Thank you for your support!


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License

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this is an amazing update. You're so very resourceful! Thanks for the information about us and all you are doing!
Very inspirational actually.

Everyone is naturally creative. You have been taught otherwise by the world. We can go back to being ourselves now. I give you permission to be naturally creative again.


💘 💝 Thanks to be you((r)th))

Congrats @jnmarteau, you achieved a lot in this short time period. I am happy for you! 🌟

Thank you @manncpt, you helped a lot. I really appreciate! =)

You helped me a lot, too. That's how a partnership works. 😉

You got a 20.41% upvote from @bid4joy courtesy of @jnmarteau!

26.36% @pushup from @jnmarteau

Wow......deine Energie ist unglaublich. Viel Erfolg weiterhin🍀