Enter into Thinking Equation

in steemit •  7 years ago 

The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) is an ecological process of healing the personal and environmental ills caused by the dualistic worldview held by Western society and science. However, it goes far beyond treating just the symptoms and politics that are the result of this mindset.

However, it has the capability to catalyze a key shift in human consciousness. It is crucial to identify some of the basic facts about Natural System Thinking Process and their momentous to the global life community at large. They each help our natural senses maintain proper balance with the Earth’s life and also empower us to think and act similarly by enabling us to tap into natural systems within and about us.

People who use the NSTP attain greater wellness with respect to pain, anxiety, community, learning, self-esteem and spirit. They notice many disorders subside including depression, sleeplessness and loneliness. They become more environmentally and socially active, their apathy becomes positive energy. It significantly improves their personal and professional life and their relationship with the environment. We observe that, we often view our disconnected state of affairs as a fact of life; it is "normal," so it seldom even enters into our thinking equation. Unfortunately, we simply think within the fixed walls of our prejudices.

In any other context in society, we would call anyone so straight jacketed in destructive reasoning insane. Instead, our supposedly sane thinking leads us to believe that natural systems and non-human relationships cannot be more intelligent than us.

There has been a lot of observations found on students from the coursework; the students bonded as a community. They also bonded to a trashed natural area near their school. The student’s sense that the natural area, like their nature, wanted to recover from the abuse received from society. They confessed that the community is being choked by alien plants and stressed by pollution, abandonment and major loss.

They too are being choked by drugs and alien stories that pollute their natural self. The state of Earth and its people indicates that mentally and environmentally. There is an awareness that the continuing degradation of people and the planet may have begun to harden many of us. We subconsciously learn to numb ourselves to the state of the world because part of us has been hurt and given up hope.

Also, attractiveness is an essence of love and it is conscious of itself. In reality, all things, including materials, are actually beings in attraction relationships and every being consists of a multiplicity of natural attraction relationship. Everything grows from love and from everything’s attractions to everything else and everything is naturally attractive including each of us. According to Cohen, “this explains why, in the world of ‘Us’ nothing is rejected, unwanted, negative, unattractive, or unnecessary. There is no such thing as garbage, pollution, or excessive stress.

Obviously, ‘Us’ is a form of unconditional love in action”. In this sense, nature’s web of life and its members, including us thrive in balance by relating to each other in a non-language form because we innately knew and understood each other as of old. This nature-connected course has made me to understand and interact with all the living things in my immediate natural environment in a way that is more fulfilling and true to my being. Learning how to enjoy the goodness of our natural environment in a non-verbal form makes more meaning to the purpose our existence.

Through reconnecting with nature activities, I have learned how to non-verbally sense in ways that are more intelligent than what I have been taught intelligence to be.

Although each of us is part of nature, our socialization erodes our personal, social, spiritual and environmental relationships because it excessively separates us from the recuperative qualities of nature. This disconnection causes us to lose the benefit of the purifying powers in nature that would ordinarily help us rejuvenate and regenerate our presently deteriorating thinking. Our relationships with ourselves, others and the environment would improve.

We live over 95 percent of our lives indoors, separated from nature; over 99 percent of our thinking is disconnected from how nature works to produce its non-polluting perfection. To our great cost, we omit nature's grace from our personal, social, spiritual and environmental lives. Nine-leg thinking and linking, reinstates our power to co-create and withstand ourselves in balance with all of life. The nine-leg tool helps us rewire ourselves to the nurturing, biological and psychological origins of our mind over the eons.

This improves our ability to think sustainable and improve our health and integrity. We raise our consciousness and can produce more rewarding, cooperative life-supportive relationships. No known substitute supersedes the perfection of intact natural systems. They sustain their health because, through natural attraction balancing powers, they continually correct themselves to further support life. It is time for us to come out from behind the addictive socializing and economic forces that keep the environment of our mind disconnected from the Earth and each other.

It is time to re-learn how to let the wisdom and renewing energies of nature transform our destructive patterns into balanced and loving relationships that can help restore both personal worth and global harmony.

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