RE: @VoluntaryJapan Needs Your Help: Funds Locked in Exchange. Help Me Continue Promoting Unschooling, Voluntaryism, and Crypto Adoption in Japan

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@VoluntaryJapan Needs Your Help: Funds Locked in Exchange. Help Me Continue Promoting Unschooling, Voluntaryism, and Crypto Adoption in Japan

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Not even allowing the transaction to be reflected, even though they have it listed as confirmed in the dashboard. If you wanna see a bunch of angry Japanese people, go check out bitFlyer’s Twitter account. 6 days of silence and today they Tweet about routine maintenance which has nothing to do with the problem. Folks are out thousands and cannot pay their bills.

At least when Kraken was down they provided hourly updates. I wouldn’t be surprised is these guys got a brick through their window.

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Time for a new exchange, methinks.

Or some local businesses that accept crypto.

Yep. Working on all that.

I think I'll head over to the farmer's market this weekend and evangelize a little bit :)

That'd be fuckin' great! Post about it!

Here's some foreshadowing. I know every breath you take is an entry, so come on over lol