Why The PROMOTED Tab Is The BEST Thing Ever!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

With the new Promoted tab, Some people are happy. Others are complaining.
"The Rich will Get richer."
I keep hearing people say.

But is this such a bad thing?

When Browsing around, I noticed that ANYONE CAN promote any post. Not just your own. You can support anyone and any post you want.
If a dolphin or a whale sees your excellent post, they can promote it FOR YOU! In addition to giving you their upvote.

This will allow you to do EVEN BETTER with your posts. Also, you can promote your stuff.


You can promote your own stuff, Sure it may not blow up into something large, But you'll at the very least get more followers. This will help future posts; Your investment will help you do well for future posts.

Steemit is like a lottery, You can post high-quality content that is ignored, Sometimes your high-quality content is seen. Sometimes people don't even care about the topic you are talking about, and you have been ignored anyways. There are so many variables. It can be stressful when you work your butt off on a post that is just invisible.

With the post promotion, You can give yourself an edge on that. So it will be seen. If your post still doesn't do well, You can learn from it. Maybe you need a better title? better photos?

I personally don't like my stuff left to chance, So the opportunity to make things happen makes me happy.

Businesses Can Advertise!

Imagine if you were on Facebook, And instead of seeing those pesky ads on the site, You had a separate wall you could go to, With those ads.

Would you ever go to the wall of advertising?

Hell NO!
I would avoid that like the plague. Unless they offered me some coupons or something, They would have to do something for ME!!

So what happens if businesses take over the promoted wall?

This advertising is perfect, The money spent on the promoted posts goes back into the system. (I don't understand all of the technical stuff)

But If Domino's Pizza wants to promote their new carry out pizza's for 7.99 on the promoted page, They will have to ADD MONEY to the pool. That WE can earn. In order to promote. I LOVE THIS!

That means Domino's pizza is putting money in OUR POCKETS!

Won't the advertising fail then? Because It's on a separate wall?

If it were Facebook, YES! But with Steemit, We are getting something out of their advertising. If big businesses don't get success from promoted posts, they won't promote on our platform anymore. And we'll have less money around as the result.

The principle of Reciprocity will come into effect.

  • Domino's gave you money, Now how about pizza for dinner tonight?

Apparently, if you hate pizza, You won't buy a pizza. But if someone is promoting cute shoes, you might just have to buy those shoes, I mean That company GAVE the platform more money for you to earn. You can buy a pair of shoes from them right?

With Facebook, there is no Reciprocity Because the ads do nothing for you, With Steemit This is a beautiful form of advertising that will have A BIG IMPACT.

So Why You Complaining?

Steemit made some exciting changes yesterday, And we need to be HAPPY! I'm so excited about the future of Steemit. You just have to think of the long term benefits of each change that is made, And how it may or may not benefit you. Some changes may hurt your short-term game but are good for the longer term. While other changes may not affect you at all! And if you deeply hate that promoted tab, You can always ignore it! No law against. that.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You can promote your own stuff, Sure it may not blow up into something large, But you'll at the very least get more followers. This will help future posts; Your investment will help you do well for future posts.

This +100. Followers pay themselves off in due time. Gain 10 minnow followers from promoting a post and that may only gain you $0.25 on that specific post, but it pays dividends. You gain future upvotes and friends that may become big time content curators, dolphins, or even whales as the site grows.

This is only a good thing, especially when the money is pumped back in to steemit.

Been away for a couple days, time to go back and do one of your recent "how to draw a ____" challenges that I missed since the panda!

Heheh thank you!
This is very smart logic! I agree that we should invest in our follower count. That is one of the reason I try to post my four posts consistently even if they don't make a lot of money. Those extra followers help me in the long run.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes, that makes sense with your current following. With mine, my plan has to be a bit different: try to post 3-5 times a week but spend more time commenting on other people's posts, hanging out in the steemit chat, talking with @fyrstikken and others on steemspeak, and sort of being ubiquitous in the community before pumping out content.

The promote button is perfect for both of us though. It's great for whales/dolphins who have spare money and great for people without a big follower count to build one up. Only problem for me is that I powered up all my steem dollars already so nothing left to promote with haha. But once payouts for last post come in I'll start putting more towards the promotion button and splitting half the steem dollars between promotion and powerups.

Yes commenting really helps!!
I have the same problem. With the low price of Steem I used all my money investing now I'm broke too.

I barely look at my payouts. Followers are the real currency here. Look after the ones you have and land more however you can.

The Promote function will let people choose how to promote content. Some people will choose to spend time looking specifically for this type of content.

Reality says most people will stay in their own little niches and look at their topics of interest mainly. The real difference will be some steemians who will choose to hang out in the PROMOTE PHOTOGRAPHY category tag instead of the regular Photography tag as an example.

So the reality of this is people choosing to surf around the PROMOTE tag might actually find higher quality content more frequently than in the other regular tag niche category.

The best features of the promote tag is how it " burns " steem and redistributes it to others across the platform and you might get noticed more in your niche tag. Unless you have the skills to capitalize on that increased recognition then you really are just ' burning ' steem : )

/ hugz ; )

Most people stay in their niche? I had no idea! I actually float around to all the topics :) Hopefully promote will be used and not ignored. I feel like if people are whiling to invest in their article, It deserves to be seen by someone.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well my advice for most people is advice that does not apply to you. Personally I used to be terribly rude disrespectful writer. I simply broke every punctuation, syntax and grammar rule purely for one of two reasons.

Firstly it was about being a rebel, rules are made to be broken; whom is hurt by bad writing except English Majors ; ) The next reason was simply convince; it was faster and more efficient to get things down on paper instead of considering how they would appeal to my intended audience.

So for little brand new writers like me and others of my ilk I feel we need to focus and try and develop our styles and learn the presentation rules slowly over time. This is far easier to do in your own niche where a person can investigate, analyse and experiment as they make a name for themselves within their own small pool or niche. . .

So that is my advice to most people and that does not include you. Simply you are already an experienced and professional presenter. Such rules would limit your experience, new people need guidelines as suggestions; but you have much experience. Plus I suspect you are far superior at analyzing what the requirements are in each separate area or tag.

To me I simply try and focus on something and then try and figure out how I can use that in my own posts, thus with experience i slowly get better. For example when I arrived at Steemit is was purely terrible, after a few weeks I realized some of my errors and moved up from terrible to just a bad writer.

Now I have moved upwards again from the rank of bad to the ranking of poor writer, next promotion I am aiming for is fair, then good writer; maybe even good presenter. I feel you are at the good presenter ranking; but what do I know : )

Thus my little suggestions to find your fun niche interest and stamp you name all over it is for beginners, the steemian who is clueless as to where to start investigating. For good presenters like you and other steemians you know such advice is simply elementary and restrictive, so feel free to spread your wings and sail all over Steemit :)

You little Steemit surfer you . . .

/ hugz ; )

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Do I see somewhere a difference of promotion value and voting value? I just tried it on this blogpost and nothing really changed.
But this will be a good way for businesses and other celebrity activity to promote their content on the site.

There is a difference if content will be push on the top page, that if were willing to spend more steem dollars to it.

So true! I'm not sure! It's hard to tell if the promotion helps or not.

If steem became 90% advertisements would you still want to come here and sift through the ads to get to real posts? Maybe, as long as the ads were properly tagged as an advertisement and I could avoid them...

Yeah but even so, I think it will still appear on the general wall since it's still a post. When that comes, we can see lots of ads on the wall. But I think the admin had already plan for it.

I think so too! I hope they'll move it else where lOL.

No! I wouldn't want that many ads But I do think some ads will be better for Steemit in general. I agree they need to be properly tagged. and if they aren't We can always flag them :)

I wouldn't mind good ads/product placement. The bad ones will get downvoted. If it works as designed, you shouldn't have to "search for real posts" and "avoid ads", you probably won't even know some of them are ads.

Exactly and hopefully things work out that way.

I played around with analyzing the first promoted content, if you're interested. I think, over time, people will build tools to be smart about how they promote content. Some promotions will work, others will just be a waste of money. Knowing what's already out there in real time will be helpful for getting your content positioned as you want it.

Possibilies is that every author will promote its content in the promotion tab and this tab will probably be a mirror of the public wall.

If that does happen, it helps the price of STEEM as SBD are eliminated and not sold or converted. Also, if people don't get a return on their investments, they won't continue investing in the promotions tab.

I like this idea, for the simple reason everybody get a slice of the action. you would find people would go out their way to look through the Ads more to find something that they might buy than just completely ignoring them when they are pushed in your face.

True! People would help the companies, because they are helping you.

I hope it doesn't end up like Adwords. Some people spent a ton of money for little or no return. Probably easier to figure out the results here on Steemit though.

Now I need to order pizza ... thanks :)

hahah no problem :) I hope it doesn't become like Adwords haha,.

I wrote a positive post about the promoted tab earl,ier thinking the main benefit would be to attract big advertisers. But after chatting with a few people, I wonder if that will happen. Advertisers want to be where the users are. They want to advertise to a full audience. So I'm wondering now if going to a separate tab or page is going to appeal to them? The only people who will go there are folks who got promoted one way or the other.

I have mixed feelings about post promotion. My main concern is that successful Steemit users (those with the means to promote their posts) will continue to gain more success for themselves while post promotion won't help those who really need it. Like you said, "the rich will get richer."

But I guess that isn't inherently wrong. And maybe it won't turn out that way. Maybe I'm just getting jealous of those who are finding real success on the platform haha

I'm only very new to Steemit but the way I'm beginning to see it, is that it's such a fair rewarding system. Quite karmic in that the energy you are willing to give will come back to you ~ May not be the way you expect or in the time you would like ~ But in some mysterious way you will be 'heard.' And all you have to do is enjoy sharing what is close to your own heart and look at and comment on posts that you resonate with. This may be a tad on the naive side, as I'm still not familiar with the power and inclinations of the whales.

You are right @kaylinart, it's an opportunity for all of us, after all the amount paid for promoting only depend on the author.

By the way, how are you?

I'm doing well, How have you been?

I'm fine, just finding ways to be noticed by the whales :)

Good :) Just keep trying different tactics. I feel like the stuff changes often.

What stuff?

Like what the whales look for in particular :) I feel like that constantly changes. NO one or two tactics work permanently.

Difficult to say at this stage.
I see it more as a double-edged sword.
I believe it will have a positive impact, but probably on the long run.

Time will tell how it will be used, but at this stage my personal experience is that I do not go under this tab a lot...

Exactly! We don't know exactly what type of direction it will go!

Great post btw.
In its construction it is a perfect Steemit cash-machine post.

  • Kind of a clickbaity title
  • Nice pic, king of clickbaity too... not too much.
  • Ultra strong title statement...
  • Capitals at the RIGHT place
  • Nice slightly provocative 1st lines (summary)
  • super clear and easy to read thanks to a great structure.
  • brings answers and questions
  • Perfect closing conclusion (just the right amount of hope and provocation)

I don't say that in a bad way or anything negative.

This post is a true prototype of a great post in its design and construction.
I am impressed.

Thank you !!
I try to plan things carefully heheh :)
I took that as a compliment :)

It is a compliment!
Nice work.

Thank you!

Good for you!

Thank you .

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Some whale should really promote this post with $1000.

Aww thank you so much :)

Thanks for sharing @kaylinart!

No problem :)

You can say the rich will get richer, but they have to pay to promote themselves, so really the rich are getting poorer.

Thanks for sheddding some light on this @kaylinart

Thank you very much!

Yes... yes... yes! It is awesome! I totally agree. Super double plus good worth it ... if you have the QUALITY to back it up like you say. And I do :)

Good points. Take care. Peace.

I noticed that Promote only promotes my first tag. That tag doesn't have a really big audience like my 2nd tag, but is most accurate. I promoted $12 but can't change my first tag now so may have spent too much for the small audience. I hope Steemit plans on adding all the tags.

I didn't pay attention to the tag thing! Thanks for shedding some insight :( I"m sorry you wasted some of your money.

Even if you love it or hate it, the best part is that nothing here is set in stone. This is brand new. It is only 1 day old. If it's not having the desired effect, it can be tweaked and improved. Way to stay positive!

Heheh so true :)

You bring up some interesting points and I can view this new feature from a different angle.

We all want Steemit to succeed. Thank you for the positive post!

No problem :) I feel like many posts have been negative lately! So I'm trying to add more positive stuff.

Here's the positive post I promised you yesterday 😊

Its great to see your attitude @kaylinart!
I have been following you for a while and have seen you grow quickly to the point where you were listed in the top 100 weekly steemit $$ earners!
Congratulations on that!
I have not see ANYONE who is more consistent and dedicated to putting out steemit content than you. You have a great business mindset and I am sure your success will increase!

Thank you! I work really hard doing it hehe.

Thank you! I hope so. I love Steemit and I'm invested in this!

Yes I can see that!
I wish you the best~*~

If Domino's Pizza wants to promote their new carry out pizza's for 7.99 on the promoted page, They will have to ADD MONEY to the pool. That WE can earn.

I don't think the money goes back to the budget of rewards I think it just gets burned. That leads to an increase in the value of steem. The users with the most SP (whales) benefit from this the most.

Essentially we are paying @steemit for advertising, since they have 70% of the steem stake.

Not that that's a bad thing, we are paying for the whales attention, so why shouldn't the whales get paid for their attention.

True! I think I misunderstood some of it! Oops! Thanks for correcting that.

Thank you for your post.
The only doubt I am having to see it going to the @null account. Can you explain why this is an advantage? Thanks!

Great article @kaylinart. Agree 100%. Exciting times.

You are right I think promoting each new changes should be main focus. Community as a whole try to see each new changes as something long term not for short term. Exact my thoughts on usage of promoted tab that can substantially increase value of platform.

Well I looked into this promoted tab, and, frankly, compared to trending it's loads of shit.

So perhaps it's not so great after all.

I'm sure after a while, If posts that aren't as good DONT receive upvotes, People will stop promoting them. So give it time :)

Sure, will see, but you're too fast to claim that it's best thing ever ;)

Hehe So!? I'm bubbly! I like to jump to extremes hahaha. It's either the worst thing ever or the best thing ever hahah.

That's a helpful perspective. It's so interesting watching an ecosystem evolve. There's a lot of different kinds of critters and different flows of energy and information, that's for sure.

Thank you! I love the way you worded that.

I figure I am a small toad at this point. Mostly under a log, and I am fine with that, lol.