Imagine what 1 Billion People could do if they Didn't Use Facebook

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Over 1 billion people use Facebook actively. Imagine if those 1 billion people applied themselves doing something good for humanity.

It is said that Facebook has brought humanity together. In some ways it has. Mostly through false senses of fake friendships and efforts which never organize into anything.

If Facebook was truly a useful tool for your business, your political effort, keeping in touch with friends and family then why are all those things not better because of Facebook?

I am seriously asking YOU right now to imagine what 1 billion people spending 1 billion man hours being productive would look like.

Go ahead. Close your eyes and imagine the true potential of humanity.

If one billion people took their time they waste on Facebook and applied it to let's say... Planting a garden. Do you think there would be a hungry person on earth?

Let's say 1 billion people took the time they spent on Facebook and put it into building a business. Do you think there would be a lack of jobs?

I am sure out of those billions of people there has to be at least a few hundred who are wasting their time on Facebook who could be developing free energy systems, the cure to cancer(some would argue that exists) and solving the millions of issues humanity faces today.

Just imagine how charitable humanity truly can be if we stop focusing on ourselves on Facebook and start focusing on our humanity and others.

Do you really think you are any better than someone sleeping on their moms couch getting high day in and day out not doing anything other than watching reruns on TV?

You are not. Facebook is a high. It is an addiction. If you don't believe me, try to quit it. You may find yourself proven wrong immediately.

Facebook is a time waster. It's likely the greatest time wasting mechanism ever designed which has stifled innovation, productivity, action and most importantly it truly distances friendships and family more than anything else.

Do you have children? Imagine the time you spent on Facebook instead being used to teach your children. What a wonderful thought, parents spending time with children.

I have come to this conclusion from many reasons. Mostly because I have found that Facebook is a vile cesspool of centralized negativity and propaganda. I have wasted so much time arguing fake people, with fake agendas, about fake information, over fake people running fake elections, making me into a bitter person.

My brain. It's my brain and no one else's. We may not own many things or anything other than what we think. It's been proven that Facebook is used as a tool to manipulate public perceptions. Why allow people to control the way you think? Are you angry? Are you sad?

Have you become desensitized to the world by scrolling past overdose status to overdoes status looking at pictures of warfare and police brutality as if it is the norm?

Do you really think Facebook would be allowed to exist if it actually benefited humanity? I doubt it. I highly doubt it.

The world is an interesting place. The platform of Facebook has become a megalith of power which we all know is heavily centralized. This power does not go not used by those who wish to control us for their own ends.

Delete their Facebook apps. They are spying on everything you do. They are stifling your productivity. You can make this world better one community at a time if you spend time wasted on Facebook actually being useful.

A billion people, staring at their screens looking at memes.

Oh where have we lost our way? 

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They will eventually find their way into here, just wait a bit.

What you're saying is spot on. However, it has been valuable for businesses to get the word out to their local communities and to help raise awareness and funding for charitable organizations and projects.

On that note - I'm hoping to start something big here on Steemit. If you could help spread the word, I'd appreciate it. This is a great way to demonstrate voluntary cooperation and international trade without the need for middlemen and rulers.

I love it man! This is why I love steemit!

Facebook has become an echo chamber where personal news feeds serve to reinforce preconceived notions rather than be challenged by new points of view in a respectful manner. The network also delivers its users to advertisers for a huge profit that the users never see. The users are the product. Perhaps with the reputation-based model and censorship-free, immutable database, Steemit can evolve into something better.

Facebook is a lot of waste of time. Use Steemit instead where you can get money for your skills

I agree, that is why I felt the need to write this.

Left Facebook over a year ago. No regrets!

Sure i agree with you and what you are saying is correct. Facebook is a waste of time but also is gaming a waste of time or watching football or tennis or golf and and and. But people do it anyway. It's a social need that people waste their time. As sad as it is. Not everyone fits in this model to do something productive for mankind. Time-Wasters are absolutely necessary for a community like ours. Without those "time-wasters" people wouldn't know what to do at all. If that time could be used to educate people and increase their horizon well that would be great but our social system just and our celebrities and media doesn't want people to get smarter and when you give uneducated people too much free time..... well just stupid things will happen. Best example are most of the followers of trump who doesn't have a clue about politics but cheer about trump because they understand his simplistic sentences like "I will built a wall" etc.. Many of them have too much free time and then protests begin where people will get hurt..... This is much more complex than you are explaining in you post... and i would be glad if we discuss this further ;9 give me your opinion!

I sat in a full doctors office and 9 out of the twelve were obviously on Facebook and the other three were watching daytime television and I was writing this article.

Well if they are doing their doctor i think they should have knowledge about time management and what they have to do to reach their goal. Depends on the major they are doing their doctor. There are social or philosophical doctors where you can waste your time but i made my master in a room full of other engineer doctors and no one had the time to waste their time on facebook or anything else. We were in the laboratory or programming our simulations or writing about our works all the time and i mean really the whole working day.

The biggest difference between Facebook and Steemit, in my opinion, is that Facebook is depressing whereas Steemit is not. On Facebook, one can not help but be affected by the many ugly and toxic comments left on political posts for example. So far (knock on wood), Steemit is appearing to build a more tolerant and respectful community of people while upholding certain standards--standards that are missing on Facebook--or Fakebook as I like to call it. Previous to joining Steemit, I had rarely come across articles online on anarchy for example because...well, Facebook curates our feed. Here, I have merely to click on Trending or New or Popular to see a selection of well written articles that are free to read without the annoyance factor of advertisements or rude comments from trolls.

Three cheers for your wise words... my feelings exactly...

I have come to see FB as a public health menace. We need to approach it with the means of epidemic containment. We won't be able to inoculate people against it; we need to begin with actively discouraging people we know from using it.

As for "value" from spending inordinate hours on this brain killer, one very good friend found himself with 2.5 million (as in six zeros) Likes in a mysterious and unexplained way--especially because his page promoted the fine arts, not exactly stuff for headlong liking by the masses.

He persisted with this hydrocephalus monster for more than a year out of curiosity to see if this deluge of Likes would bring more traffic for his small online business. The result was exactly what you have already guessed: ZERO!!

Three months ago, he finally deleted the account because he found this whole thing "grotesque and insane." Meantime, he had strange offers by people to BUY the profile. We never understood how he ended up with 2.5 million Likes as a matter of curiosity. But, the bottom line was total absence of value added.... (his new profile has so far garnered 560 Likes; sounds 'normal').