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Good interesting answers from all of you. We are still learning after being on here for almost two months'. We're still adjusting to formatting, but at least we have some sort of format. Scheduling is as @erikaharris said according to how you feel or even when you can do it. Take control of your time and don't be pressured into posting at a particular time. It's what works best for you as the platform is meant for you. Great way to end this part as it's a good reminder to do what you love and the 'money' is extra. This coming from a full time Steemian and living off the platform is a great testament. Thanks!

I'm still learning after 20 months here haha!

As with all things in life, the most important part is that you do what feels right :-) The most we can do is share our experiences and outlooks on this stuff, and it's up to you to decide how to go about it.

Thanks for taking the time to write a real comment :-)

It's good to know there's continuous learning on this platform and may it forever grow!

Yes, we're not trying to be what we're not or go down that route. What we post is what we felt like sharing and hopefully discussing with other Steemians that day.

No worries about the comment, it was an interesting video and to hear both questions from the audience and answers from the panel. Seeing different perspectives on what Steemit is to them. :)

Good post thank you, resteem

Another good post, @kennyskitchen Thank you for helping us all very much. Upvoted

I will bookmark and pass on to Minnows as they arrive. So good!

Nice information. This information can be me to understand how to make a post in steemid.