While you are lazy and do not know whether to go to the university or work or not, Elon Mask makes glory over glory and launches the first satellite to broadcast the Internet to the planet on a rocket Falcon 9: D
3 years ago, this man came up and said I will launch industrial satellites for Internet broadcasting covering the planet !! As usual people said he was crazy and could not ...
A few days ago, the satellite was launched successfully and now it is in the experimental phase and will not only remain only one satellite of course, and is expected to be run in 2019
Of course, there is great competition in the coverage of the planet Earth, the Internet between Google, Facebook and space X, especially after the bill net neutrality in America and the demonstrations that occurred after the announcement of more than one company they are working on the same project.
The speeds that will remain available are Super-fast-4000 of normal speeds and of course all Signals means there are no cables freely and nothing like this: D
One of you will tell me that this will not be applied to us in the Arab countries and will destroy many companies. I will tell you not to worry. Internet access has become a major part of modern culture that amounts to the right of human rights. This is the United Nations, not my words. In addition, have you heard of anyone who can prevent Signal from coming from a satellite? : D
We are very fortunate to live in this period of human life in the midst of everything we see every day of tremendous development, and personally I am very grateful to one like Masak that makes life a goal and meaning and reconstructs the planet in this way.
Finally, the price of the expected packages is the lowest package of $ 10: D 1 TB at 10,000 Mbps