Father of printing dies in poverty

in steemit •  7 years ago 

hello guys I am here with another post hope you guys will like it
1468 Johann Gutenberg a blind impoverished German goldsmith from mainz has died in obscurity. it was he who developed the letterpress printing method and oil-based inks that are now making a fortune for johann fust and his son-in-law Peter schoffer. they have used Gutenberg's techniques to mass-produce copies of the bible. Gutenberg had also transferred a wine press into a press capable of printing pages of his Gothic type. in 1450 he borrowed a large amount of money from fust to develop his system of movable type cast in lead. five years later fust foreclosed on the mortgage and took possession of the type and presses, setting himself up as a printerjohannes-gensfleisch-gutenberg-9323828-1-402.jpg. Despite Gutenberg's personal failure, his cheap method of mass-producing printer pages has freed the written word from the jealous monopoly of the monasteries.Jehan_Bellegambe_-_Le_Cellier_Triptych_15th_Century.jpg
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Nice and informative post !

Thanks man it's really help me

Good stuff.
Upvoted. Remind me on your next post also

thanks man