Scientific Validation for ASEA Products: Chemical free / Cruelty free / Vegan / Natural health and skin care in the form of stable redox signaling molecules.

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Scientific Validation for ASEA Products


Since ASEA’s inception, it has been a high priority to put resources into and attention on research and science. We know what the products do for people, and it is important for us to put effort into research and prove that these products do make a difference in the lives of those who use them and share them. At the end of the day, it is people that matter most, and ASEA will always be creating products that are validated by research and make a difference in people’s lives.

Because ASEA takes science seriously, continuous research is paramount. The company has an ongoing commitment to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of their products, certify them where possible, and advance the research that proves the potential and benefits of redox signaling supplementation, both internally and externally.

ASEA Redox Verification
In 2015, ASEA partnered with BioAgilytix Labs—an independent laboratory specializing in bioanalysis—to monitor the quality of our production process and provide scientific validity of the nature of our products. Their team of PhD-level experts validates the existence of redox signaling molecules in the products, establishing the proven potential and value of ASEA’s promising and innovative products. This process helps to ensure that every product made is of the highest quality and proven scientific effectiveness.

Redox Signaling Molecules and Oxidative Stress
In a recent trial conducted by David C. Nieman, DrPH, FACSM, of Appalachian State University, 106 women consumed four ounces of ASEA Redox Supplement per day for 90 days. The participants showed significant results, experiencing reduced oxidative stress biomarkers. * In particular, they experienced a lowering of the oxidized form of LDL cholesterol, suggesting that ASEA Redox Supplement may contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health.

Redox Signaling Molecules and Skin Cell Renewal
In 2015, ASEA commissioned Stephens & Associates to study the effects of redox signaling on cell turnover and blood flow, with specific emphasis on the skin.

Skin cell renewal, the rate at which cells are replaced, is the essence of anti-aging. ASEA asked researchers to demonstrate if RENU 28, a topical redox product for the skin, can affect the rate of skin cell renewal.

Typical skin cell turnover is 28 – 42 days. Researchers found that study participants using RENU 28 experienced an average turnover time 24 – 36 days, shaving four to six days off of regular cell renewal time and showing a 16% faster cell turnover rate.

With these results, ASEA opens up possibilities for further research into the effects of prolonged product use and cellular anti-aging.

Redox Signaling Molecules and Blood Flow
As the largest organ in the body regarding both surface area and weight, the skin protects the body from the elements, regulates body temperature and fluid balance, and is an organ of sensation. All of these functions require proper blood flow. As blood flow decreases with age, some skin-related conditions can arise.

In a 2015 research study by Stephens & Associates, the following outcomes were measured on participants’ forearms, with one forearm acting as the experimental control and the other as the RENU 28 experimental arm:

49% blood flow increase within 15 minutes of first application
34% blood flow increase one-hour post initial application
35% blood flow increase three hours post initial application
44% blood flow increase 48 hours into the study
55% blood flow increase 96 hours into the study
Redox Signaling Molecules and Facial Skin
In 2014, ASEA commissioned Dermatest, one of the leading dermatological research companies in the world, to conduct a clinical trial to quantify the skin’s response to consistent application of RENU 28.

The following results were measured on participants’ faces where RENU 28 was applied:

21% decrease in eye wrinkle depth
23% improvement in overall wrinkles
22% improvement in facial skin texture
23% increase in skin smoothness
20% increase in skin elasticity
11% increase in skin moisture
The trial also tested for safety, and RENU 28 earned Dermatest’s coveted 5-star clinically tested seal, its highest possible commendation.

Redox Signaling Molecules and Cellulite
Findings from a 2015 cellulite study also conducted by Dermatest showed that RENU 28 skin gel improves the appearance of cellulite as a result of the reduction in the size of adipose lobules. Additionally, the study showed significant improvement in skin elasticity.

In the study, 30 females aged 18 and older who had cellulite used RENU 28 twice a day for a 12-week period. In the cellulite test area, the use of ultrasound measurement showed improvement in the thickness and density of the skin. The measurements were performed in the same position and at the same sites before and after the 12-week in-use-period. The participants experienced an average reduction of 15.81% in the appearance of cellulite, with the decrease in the size of adipose lobules after the application period of 12 weeks.

In the second test area, RENU 28 showed an increase in the elasticity and hydration of the skin, both of which result in improved function and appearance of the skin. After the 12 weeks, researchers used a cutometer sensor to measure the results and saw that the participants had an increase of 20.91 percent in skin elasticity. This is important given that with age, skin loses its elasticity, or ability to bounce back to shape after stretching, which results in the appearance of wrinkles.

According to Karen Stolman, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist, “RENU 28 is active in redox signaling molecules that can be applied directly onto the skin to improve and revitalize it at the cellular level. These studies further validate the essential benefits of cellular health.”

The Future of ASEA Scientific Evidence
ASEA has the science to back up its products’ efficacy and safety and continues to seek out new opportunities for scientific validation. Science is an ongoing endeavor. It does not end with the most recent research and will not end even once we know the answers to the larger questions regarding the benefits of redox science. Answering one question inspires researchers to explore deeper and more detailed questions for further research. As long as there are unexplored and new opportunities, the ASEA science team will continue to investigate them.

*ASEA Redox Supplement ingestion over 12 weeks was associated with lower 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), an oxidized nucleoside of DNA and biomarker of generalized, cellular oxidative stress.

**The study was conducted by researchers from the Dermatest GmbH Institute for Reliable Results.

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