STEEM POWER - Why I'm Trading All My Bitcoin For STEEM' Power!

in steemit •  6 years ago 

hey guys what's up my name is PAUL and i'm going pretty strong and today we're gonna be talking about decision I recently made to do and something that I normally wouldn't do but I did it for a few reasons and a decision was to take a large percentage of my crypto currencies about 90% of them and turn them into steam and power up my steam it account and you might be asking you know why am I doing this and it's just a good thing the the big reason why I'm doing this is because I see a lot of potential with steam it I've used the platform quite a bit I've recently invested a little bit more steam power I've started posting more I started being more active and I've seen amazing results and I think the platform is gonna be huge and if you guys remember about a week or two ago or even a couple days actually a Bitcoin took a big nosedive and steam went down a little bit but steam still stayed strong and I checked steam and steam dollars earlier this morning and they're already up back up to five dollars so they're they're doing really good and I could see that maybe even going to like ten dollars before maybe next month or the month after what kind of have to wait and see how it goes even if it stays where it is now I'm perfectly happy with that and I can see the value of doing that because you guys got to remember when you publish stuff on Steam it whether it's a post you know or you earn steam power kind of thing you're generating steam dollar so you can trade for Bitcoin and now with steam dollars and steam in general being worth so much you know back in the day was worth like a dollar you know.

a little bit over a dollar issue kind of thing but now it's worth five dollars so now like if you generate let's say a hundred steam or two hundred steam with the course of a couple weeks to a month on the platform you just earned a huge chunk of Bitcoin like a lot of Bitcoin you know so it seems like if you want to earn more Bitcoin a best one of the best drives you can do is take your Bitcoin power up on steam it and start being active posting stuff that kind of thing because I was hesitant to do this for a while but after taking most of my Bitcoin and seeing the results I've been seeing I'm gonna stick it all into powering up my account so that I can earn more and more and more traditionally what I would do with my Bitcoin is kind of hold on to it sometimes I did a little bit of margin lending training kind of thing but it wasn't really making anything off it you know like if you think about it if you have Bitcoin sitting around you're not really making any money off of it so I figured this way it's one of the best ways to actively invest your Bitcoin and I don't think steaming is gonna go anywhere even you know I I don't think it even if steam does go down to like I've one or two dollars you're still gonna make so much money off the investment by investing your money into steam power so like I said I took 90 percent of my Bitcoin.

all bitcoins stuck it into steam and I power and I'm gonna power up my account I'm kind of in the process of doing that right now I just gotta wait on transfers and stuff like that but like I said if I post about two sometimes three times a day so anytime I get part of my account even if I add let's say 50 steam empower all that up on my account every post I create for like let's say a week or going onwards and that's two posts a day sometimes three I'm gonna make more income off that same with the curation you're gonna make more Bitcoin so it makes a lot of sense to do this and I don't think the platform steam it or steam dollars is gonna go away anytime soon so if you want to actually invest you a Bitcoin I think this is one of the smartest things now you don't have to go crazy like me and invest you know most of your Bitcoin in fact I decided to keep a little bit just in case because you never know what kind of thing but if I do this within a couple months from now let's say four to six months.
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I should have like double the triple the Bitcoin I have right now if this all works out which I think it well so that's kind of the whole the whole goal here is to you know put all my Bitcoin into steam power and then that'll allow me to Jeremy more steam dollars that I can then you know power up my account even further or you know turn into a Bitcoin here and there kind of thing and that's I'm gonna be doing every month I'll take like a small percentage of it maybe like 10 20 percent turn into Bitcoin and the rest I'll throw straight into powering up again and I'll just keep you know putting more and more power onto my steamin account so I can grow in there that's pretty much what I want to talk about today so I wouldn't know what you guys thought sir let me know what you guys think of that you know are you putting on your steam into powering up are you you know turning into Bitcoin and you know maybe selling it or just holding on to the Bitcoin we've seen that Bitcoin went down quite a bit you know in a big pollutant will probably most likely go back up but the question is you know when but with steam being high and staying high.

I think steam is a you know and it's much easier to create steam once you kind of get going in the platform it's easier to generate steam and Steve dollars so yeah I want to know you guys thoughts on that you know why are you doing that do you agree with me you disagree you know let me know what you guys think let me know what you think is gonna happen we're steaming in the future and yeah that's pretty so goodluck.

thank you for reading.

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Steem is the future. Only if one could give it a try.

YES steem is our future NO ONE CAN BREAK US!