Gains of 3,466% and bringing you FREE content

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey Tribe. I just thought I'd write a quick post to update you on where we're at right now.....

After starting to invest in ICOs just under 3 months ago I'm up 3,466%. It would be a bit more but as you know, we've taken a small hit to the market in the last week or so which has whittled it down a little. Furthermore, I have a few quality ICOs I'm invested in that haven't hit the market yet - Crypto20, PundiX, ReStart Energy, Bluzelle, TokenPay, Zilla and IndaHash. I expect that these will boost my gains even more.

Recently I was inducted to ConcourseQ as a QFellow. ConcourseQ also offer ICO due diligence on a variety of offerings. Head on over, sign up and give me a follow to watch what I'm doing on that platform.

More recently I've begun working for another organisation as a Senior ICO Analyst. The details of this need to remain confidential at the moment but I'll be sure to update The Tribe once it can be made public.
Am I worried about the current state of the market? Not one bit.

Firstly, what other investment can you make where you make those sorts of gains in such a short amount of time? Secondly, this is a natural correction. After the massive gains made in the second half of 2017 we were due for a correction. The market will bounce back. It has before and it will continue to do so in the future.

What is my strategy at the moment?
When I first got into crypto I merely swing traded......not overly well but I made some gains. After assessing the gains I did make and taking a look at my options I decided to get into ICOs. I'm naturally a very analytical person. I love digging down into the nuts and bolts of a project. I think it's this attribute that makes the ICO scene such a good fit for my personality and I've had some great results so far which prove this theory:
Telcoin - 10x
Simple Token - 5x
Quantstamp - 6x
NAGA - 5x

What am I looking at ATM?
There's a few opportunities which I'll do a deep dive into over the next week or so. These are NuCypher, Refereum, Kairos, Keep and Atonomi. Keep an eye out for my reviews.

What have I got coming up?
I'm currently whitelisted for some extremely exciting projects which I'll go quite heavy into if personal caps give me the chance (the way things are going though, this may not be the case - Bluzelle anyone?!?) These include BeeToken and Nucleus Vision.

Why follow Krypto Kratos?
There's a lot of people out there producing content on ICOs but I honestly believe they won't go as deep into the project as me. I check out the team, the company, company affiliations and alleged partnerships to not only find the best deals but also the ones to steer clear of. You'll notice I not only post the good opportunities but also the bad ones (I'm about to post some due diligence on Shivom - check it out). I do this so you guys DON'T GET SCAMMED! With all the ICOs on offer there's bound to be some bad eggs and whilst my blog isn't to be taken as financial advice (DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH), I hope I can open your eyes to look into these things further and make a decision for yourselves.

Originally I started a Patreon page for my followers to subscribe to. I've scrapped this. I want to provide free content and help my Tribe get some massive gains in these exciting times.


However, if you do find that my content either MAKES you gains or PREVENTS you from getting scammed by all means feel free to tip me some ERC20 tokens !


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