My day 20th on steemit. What i learned here.

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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My day 20th on steemit. What i learned here.

Now it is my 20th day on Like everyone i joined to earn money. My plan was to post blog once a day /comments to other and make more followers to earn more. But that is not the reality of earning on

Interesting article

I noticed follower must be real follower who really want to read your post . Follower should'nt be like that follow me & follow you. it is just to increase the quantity of followers. attractive/ interesting blog will automatically boost up your follower & comments. so i learn first thing write the quality instead of quantity.

Always comment related to blog

Donot rush to just comment comment comment without reading someone's post. I mean if someone write his story full of grief & we are commenting " wow" " i like it " "keep it up" which are different from the post . we should read first properly before comment.

Right information

Do not put meaning less or fake information only to increase your blog . I mean fake news or meaning less post will distract the follower. follower will not take interest in your next post.

Do not get panic

This is happening with maximum new user who are joining . They keep checking more than thrice their wallet to see income even they post 1 or two. instead of focusing next article. I know people earning lot of money on but out of these people 90% are who joined steemit at very newer stage & they have been worked hard to reach at this stage. Now it is our time to do hard & smart work.

Hope you enjoy my post
Will appreciate your comments
Follow me @kumar.malhotra

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All good advice!