Poloniex vs Steem

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Steem and SBD Still on hold

A couple of days ago I transferred some Steem and SBD to convert to another holding.

With no prior warnings and a functioning conversion, I sent them to Poloniex.

The funds are still not received and the exchange still "temporarily disabled".

Now in a couple of days things can change so rapidly in the Cryptos. This disabling can cost you time, which equates to lost potentials if an ICO, or losses for gains on another product.

I will keep the updates coming...

But I am definitely going to work with other exchanges here on.

Slow customer service and no real feedback, as if you do not matter in the scene of things. What a great way to alienate clients.

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I was close to getting to this trap too i logged in and found them already temporarily disabled so i turned to bittrex where i changed them to BTC and bought antshares and 3 days later ANS jumped by 157% making me some serious profit!

You lucked out on that one!

Confidence is key in any business but in this one is the most important aspect of all. I guess I won't be sending my steem to poloniex soon.

This will be it for me... just not communicating that until the funds are back!

Yes it sucks keeps buying more steems on Polo

I think I'm done with them, there are others out there.

Sent some etc to Poloniex 10 days ago, still waiting for "wallet maintenance".

Whew I am hoping for a quicker resolve than that... I'm rooting for you!

Hope you can work it out @kyusho
I know how frustrating this is, Poloniex is to be treated with extreme caution, or not treated at all

Best of luck!

Not at all by me in the future, just waiting for resolution here first.

Wise thinking. again... GL

The same happened to me. I am now using bittrex.

Hey I watch your YouTube channel... thanks for the Bittrex vote, any issues with them?

This happened to me as well, i switched to bittrex , less problems tbh .

Yes Bittrex or Blocktrades will be from now on.

Thats crazy huh... i waited 5 weeks and still nothing haha

How inspirational... thanks!

Thanks for the info. I signed up with them but have yet to do anything with it. Looks like now I will look else where for a better exchange.

Quite a few have referenced Bittrex, only one so far for Blocktrade

I think Craig, someone popular on here, recommended BlockTrades and said it was the best. I'm probably going to check them out. Thanks.

That's one of the cool things about Steemit, there are far more crypto-savvy folks to ask and get educated with!

Right. I'm trying to learn as quick as possible. I bought 3.5 bitcoin @ $1600 about a month and a half ago and lost it all. It's a whole new world for me.

Ouch.... but you'll recover.

I believe that. I'm putting a lot into steem. It's my go to crypto currently.

Sorry about your issues, that's tough. I have been waiting on a Poloniex customer support claim for about three weeks now... losing hope that I'll ever get to sort it out.

I will say that Polo has generally been good to me, but I'm liking Bittrex more and more. We'll see what the future holds.