What can I say...

in steemit •  7 years ago 


I'm Sorry

I go out into my feed and try to give people a great feeling of accomplishment by upvoting 100%. But recently, it ain't worth squat... so I just wanted to say sorry, wish it was more.

It also puts me on the fence... to stay or go. I mean I could set a bot and walkaway, collecting "Interest" as not only can I not share more with folks, nor can others. Is it a loosing proposition time wise? This needs further investigation.

Anyway I post daily and it seems as if it is potluck with the votes... yes it matters, not so much the money but the sense of self worth...should I continue to make posts everyday or, just let it ride on auto pilot, or begin the powerdown?


Enter BAT or Basic Attention Token

This will empower you and sites like Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, etc.. to add the "Unique" feature of Steemit of tipping and income generation.

  • Will this mark a severe decline in Steemit?
  • Will the value of Steem sink lower than it is now?
  • Will it render Steemit as just more of a clic, than a wealth generator?

Now I am not down on this platform and it may even seem like heresy

It has benefited me greatly as I hope I have it, by bringing on people, building a blog and feeding it constantly with content, sharing the wealth (trying to anyway), with people in and out of my feed. I thank all involved, but realistically we should all watch the space continuously for future tech, current status and where time is best spent in the pursuit of other income producing ideas.

Is it possible that the BAT will be the next generation Steem (type energetic), but with greater ease and productivity (as you gain not by investing time in writing, but merely in paying attention as you complete other work that is generating wealth)? Now I get this may seem like heresy, but really it is a question and one all should be asking. As this tech space rapidly changes we need to change with it. Not Gone (but close), are the days of working a skill or platform to master it or make it nor niche skill, things change too fast and we must harden ourselves to this fact or be passed by like a branch in the rivers rapids.

To the future

I have switched to the Brave Browser and it seems a good one, I can even watch YouTube without the ads that pop up every few minutes, and this month have an option to watch specific ads from Brave that will pay me as well. I can go to sites that are heavy in ads pop up and otherwise and get paid as I research or simply browse.

Well what if they eventually do this with even TV, (I do not watch it much), the aggravation of those 10 minutes of ads and only 20 minutes of content. Well instead of getting up and doing things, the ads will be paying you to watch them... this will help them as it helps you. And the ads will get better, the intelligence level may even rise as currently they are for the most part geared to the less intellectual individuals.

Everything is moving faster and faster, we must adapt or get passed by faster than ever.



Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: bolanderboys, arunoda.me, theleafcronical

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I can relate to your sentiment. I have seen activity decline since the market dipped. I haven't stopped posting... but at one point, I had some of the same thoughts you expressed. I would encourage you to continue to create content, time permitting, and maybe automate part of your experience to free up some extra time. I have a feeling everything will go back up... and we will see everyone flocking back to profit.

If some great competition pops up... maybe Steemit Inc. will begin to address it's plethora of issues that have been brought up by the community of users. It's time to "Make Steemit Great Again! "

But it's also great, as you said, to look into other upcoming options too. It's such an early stage for the mass adoption of these technologies and their uses and applications... I look forward to seeing what the future holds.

Thanks for a comprehensive comment, yes I know it will go up again, but will it be the most efficient use of my time and participation? And with all the competition upcoming and the notion of the SMT (a little too late), almost two years is a long time in the cyptos... I need to be more responsive.

I think that's a wise strategy. My only advice would be not to power down now. What you will get trading in your Steem now will be a kick in the pants once it goes back up. Unless you have a strategy to benefit while everything is down... I think it would be unwise at the low that we are riding out.

Now, if you power down and get some diversity in your portfolio.... and Steem goes down lower, you may just be a genius. I have a feeling it won't stay too low much longer. I would say that once you do trade your Steem... I wouldn't do it on around the weekends. The market usually seems most volatile during the lead up to and aftermath of the weekend. I actually just did the opposite and traded in most of my portfolio for Steem to Power Up! hahaha Different Stroks for Different Folks! I just started following you... so you can't leave completely! ;)

Your concern is also shared by me. I've been more absent in the last weeks due to professional stuff but still I realized that feedback to our posts changed. The majority of comments sound like false empathy or flattering. Guess that is caused by the need of fast money.

I also blame payed bot services. Yesterday I realized this website https://steembottracker.com/ that lists the bot services. In my opinion this kind of services may destroy what I believed Steemit was, a place where people could create good/ important content that was somewhat voted/ paid by other users. This services can be both used for people that create good content but don't consider it is well paid, but also for people who create bad content and can pay a high vote. This results in less interaction...Wish Steemit Inc. could do something about that!

We must first realize that Steemit is not really de-centralized, then we must look at the few compared to the masses, then we must look inside... we give so much and are rewarded (more than the other platforms for sure), but a pittance unless a friendly few drops by.

Again not a complaint rather than a pause to think logically about where is my time better spent.

As example if I power down, it would be roughly 380 (steem) a week or $592 (equivalent) that would buy 6 LTC or 53 EOS (which will over time multiply with all it's airdrops), 165 BAT to use tipping people through the Brave Browser even if not on Steemit... or 22,796 DGB just waiting for people to realize it's worth and potential.

So many decisions.

BAT has huge potential. It can work with all websites and most importantly it has a clear stance on advertisement. Pay the people to watch your ads. Simple and logical. Opposed to the bidbot madness over here.

The only downside is that tipping in steem is hidden by inflation, while in BAT when you tip your tokens go down. Mathematically it is equivalent. Its only a psychological effect, but an important one.

All I know is pouring more effort into that which is not reflective of those efforts, is better changed to something that is.

I guess if this BAT token will get popular, it might change the system a lot, for sure it wouldn't be good for steemit right now, because it still is not that popular as other platforms like facebook and instagram, but steemit is decentralized to some degree, this feature can keep it in game

When it's ads release this month, then using it on Twitter and Facebook, will replace regular ads with Brave ads (that pay), for twitter alone you could make a lot... that platform is filled with ads.

Don't leave. Keep writing interesting posts.

Yeah one of my questions for myself is if I repeat a successful power down campaign to purchase other cryptos, will I be better off than scraping for scraps?

You'll always be good

Yes, don't leave.i like this post. thanks you....

One post does not a blog make... serious questions to get through here.

Prácticamente soy nueva en Steemit, intento aprender de lo que explicas. Pero lo importante es tomar decisiones sobre estrategias sólidas. Creo que Steemit tiene mucho por dar, con personas que publican temas de gran valor.
Saludos cordiales.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Again I say Steemit has been great for me.

And I agree in part with you, as example there are great alternate crypto pieces written with information easily accessible here.

Most however is a Google click (or better DuckDuckGo) away.

do not go, keep your spirits and take your time I hope things get better soon @kyusho

My spirit is fine... it is my mind telling my body to go to more fertile opportunities.

If dolphins like you that actually enagage with us - leave, what then happens to newbies like myself? Am not trying to guilt you into staying though, I just want you to know that your presence is needed, and appreciated here @kyusho

Now look I appreciate your position, remember I was where you are when I first started... but here is the thing, not even you have supported this post with an upvote. You should think about that as that is what grows this platform, but for those that do not upvote... well you are not really a part of the community anyway.

The number of subscribers you get means nothing, look at my follower numbers... over 2600... but only an average of 20 ever support the blog... yet they post for other peoples support. This is one reason it may become unsustainable... and with other cryptos like EOS or BAT that will gain you passive income, why spend countless hours for minimal appreciation.

This is not criticism as much as it is advice for you... I upvoted your comment as I understand your concern, however if you do not support others how will you get support back? You must give to get... unfortunately even giving is becoming more difficult for folks.

Wow I wish I could resteem your reply , I'll probably write something about it.

I usually feel my upvote won't do much because am a newbie, but you're absolutely correct. I now realize that there's really no difference between newbies who seek support without giving same and those who don't engage but just profit. I apologize for not upvoting before, I would start by being the change I want to see

We all need that sir... thanks you and feel free to resteem the whole thing... like upvoting people it can't hurt.

I first came across BAT and the Brace browser at a Blockchain meetup and loved the concept. It definitely has potential and I hope it gets adopted by many people.

I don't let me you go. You have good hand in writing.