Yet another Poloniex SNAFU

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Yup they did it again

Supposedly the Poloniex Crypto Exchange (now owned by Circle and Goldman Sachs), was stated to be changing their policies. This change would include registering more personal data to continue to use the exchange.

Failure to do so would have you locked out of your account until completed, but this was to have a couple of weeks of forewarning. I Tried to log in and found that even without the warning they changed the policy and locked the account until I provide more information even a social security ID number.

This play did not affect me as I always remove funds from exchanges...I do not trust any of them, as I have had issues in the past of frozen funds on many. They never allowed full withdrawals as they always kept pennies worth on the exchange they would not transfer... but I imagine many people have now been locked out with funds held hostage by this now Bank Owned entity.

Well that is not what I got into Crypto for

And will not go toward anything that the banks/s have put their hands into... the Cryptos for me are part of a personal rebellion that started decades ago when I first started to buy Gold and Silver.

So I believe the heyday of Poloniex is over and only those out for profit over the original Crypto Sovereignty, will use this system. They want control so bad they will do anything to get it... spare yourself,buy, hold and take control of your own property, don't trust them for a second.

I know I won't


Good Health – Evan Pantazi

Image Credit: poloniex

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I don't use Poloniex frequently but I have an account there. I didn't apply to open a "Goldman Sachs account", therefore I'll probably close it soon.

Yes there is no use there for me now as well, that is what is desperately needed a good, decentralized exchange that is well run and has purchase possibilities. For now I will buy LTC or ETH to shapeshift into.

Oh no.... I own +4000 SiaCoin on this, i buy them at low price in april 2017.....

Thanks for you post.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well then sorry t say you are stuck... I wish you all the best, but I would get them and anything else off of there fast.

I hope they will handle your registration fast!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well like you said trusting exchanges has always been a issue.I do follow the rule now always and keep my funds away from exchanges as much as possible !

Paper wallets and Nano S offline and in your pocket.

shit got real. knew this day was coming and i saw warning signs, but damn. i got coins locked up. gonna wait and see.

You could always just register... it is all dependent on what you have locked up there. But one thing for sure, if you do register...get your coins and run, take those puppies offline!

lol. will do. i'm sure lot of people like me kept it online so they can trade it because they're too lazy to take it on and offline.
i guess we'll have an explosion of dex developements now. the big banks can't buy the dex's too. or can they?

They should have exploded long ago, but as with any new tech... learning comes from past mistakes and flaws.

cryptocurriencies are the future,

thanks for this information sir..

know cryptocurrency

thanks for ur info