CK Editor - Modular Javascript/Browser editor with Markdown output : steemitsuggestion

in steemit •  8 years ago I was just looking around for a WYSIWYG editor that produces markdown output for making Steem posts, and I just want to bring this to the attention of @ned and @dantheman and @sneak as regards to improving the editing on - This looks like most of the code required to make it fully WYSIWYG editing, newbie friendly, and it is modular so it can have basic or advanced modes or as desired in between. I am perfectly comfortable with writing markup, having a lot of experience with HTML and CSS, but most new users are more in a mind of Microsoft Word with its buttons and WYSIWYG display. Not only that, look a bit closer at the screenshot from the website above. The edit screen can be free of boxes and frames if you like. I know of only one or two small deviations in the Steemit markdown interpreter from the common github flavour, and these would be easily added to this editor, and with inline editing, the user would literally see exactly how their post looks, instantly, no scrolling back and forth between code. There is even a plugin that handles automatic upload and addition of images, which act as characters on the layout (same as steemit markdown) already made. I just wanted to give a heads-up about this editor because it looks like most of the work is already done for it to be used on (indeed, any javascript based interface at all). This is applicable to any web based or javascript/browser based interface for the Steem forum 😎 We can't stop here! This is Whale country! /

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Great idea, I like the mark down personally but there are many people such as my wife who would get involved more of the editor was not made for geeks. Making this site just a little more user friendly would be a great way to improve active users and increase new user interest.

Well, here's my suggestion in this arena:

Steemit should accept only valid markdown.

I like markdown but does it have the floating left and right css in it? I use that all the time, it requires html div tags.

It does not have that, that's kinda its whole point.

Which is why it's hilarious that below this box there's a "markdown styling guide." Steemit doesn't use markdown.

It doesn't implement tables properly, in markdown you can make tables without heading rows but not steemit.

I think it should support both proper markdown and html sans scripting elements, at the option of the user. After all, everyone else only sees html rendered anyway.