PT. Seino Indomobil Logisti is a company engaged in the logistics sector and is a subsidiary of Indomobil Sukses Internasional (IMAS) which was just established in 2015 with joint shares of several companies including shares of PT CSM Corporatama (CSM) in collaboration with other companies Seino Holdings, Co., Ltd (Seino).
The Seino Indomobil Logistic company operates in the field of managing transportation services in Indonesia by providing logistics services that are expected to help parent companies to continue to develop and advance.
The shares controlled by PT SIL are held by PT CSM Corporatama (CSM) as much as 70% with the remaining shares held by Japanese companies.
- Driver / Driver
Job Requirements
- Man
- aged 21-55 years
- Healthy body proven by a health certificate
- Driving license (SIM B1 / B2 General)
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Photocopy of Family Card (KK)
- Certificate of domicile
- Marriage certificate for those who are married
- Divorce Certificate for those who are divorced
- Latest photo size 4x6 (two pieces)
- Latest SKKB / SKCK that are still valid
- STTB / Diploma (SD / SLTP / SLTA)
- A neatly handwritten Job Application Letter
- A list of life stories neatly handwritten
- Reference / work experience (PAKLARING)
- Have an BCA or Mandiri bank account / savings account
If you meet the criteria for the Latest Seino Indomobil Logistic Mataram Job Vacancies, Please register yourself by sending or delivering the application file directly to the company address.
Application file is addressed to:
u / p Muhammad Sofian (HRDGA)
Nissan Datsun Sandubaya Mataram
Jl. Sandubaya No.47 Bertais, Mataram
Tel. 0370 - 671123/0818 0576 9043
- Earnings of 6 - 11 Million / Month
- Road money is directly transferred to the driver through the Bank
- Order contineu trip
- Uniform clothing is provided
Wisma Indomobil 3 Gd.Annex Lt. 8 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav 10 Bindaran China
East Jakarta 13330 Call: (021) 856 5757