Mainstream vs Alternative Media? - Watch both!!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

It is my belief that we live in a very corrupt world at this present time. The world is changing at quite a rapid pace, important history is being written all around us right now and I am sure I am not the only person who doesn't always believe what we are being educated with.

The process of researching historical information before the Wonderful World Wide Web entered our lives used books that would have been released and information passed down generations verbally. Everything we 'looked up' had to have been published. We used to use archived newspaper articles to research something. The problem with this is that it was all wrote from the same side, from those currently in power. The victor usually writes the story from their perspective.

With the technology that we now have, and how quickly we can gather and share information all over the world, the future has a much better chance of gaining a more accurate perspective of the past.

So if we are thinking in terms of looking back on what has happened in our world, it is equally, if not more important, to get a clearer, more balanced view of the world in its current state.

I believe to do this you need to follow both mainstream and alternative media. I then take what I learn with a very open mind and make my own mind up as to what I believe. You can not read one article from one side of an argument and assume it is the truth. That is very ignorant, even when you have a lot of trust in the source.

As a mother I am incredibly concerned about where life is heading for every country in the world right now. In order to remain aware of what may be happening around us that will effect the lives of our children and their futures, and to know what I should be educating them about, it is important that I know as much information as possible before I start telling them this or that is the right way. Up until this realisation my opinons, like millions of others were usually based on things that are programmed into us via mainstream media and television.

With the now present wonders of blockchain technology and sites like Steemit, the opinions and truths people want to share can now be done so without the fear of filters hiding what those in power do not wish for us to share.

Some of the alternative media channels I follow on YouTube have recently been censored of a lot of their material when it has contradicted something that does not sit well with the mainstream. I was directed to a new site people are using to gather alternative information and share videos at DTube, without the content being filtered or removed. You can find it here:

Not everything that we read and watch on the internet is the truth, we should all be aware by now that we need to filter out what may or not may not be true using our own judgements.

It is no secret that mainstream media is controlled by those in power. Mainstream media companies can only report on what they are allowed to report on. Alternative media has free speech, and it is from this non-dictated perspective that I can now balance the information we are fed to ascertain a more balanced view of the world we live in today.

The world that is being built for our children.


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I hope, as more awaken to the truth that we are living in a matrix controlled by evil satanists who are intent on bringing disorder with their evil NWO Orwellian nightmare through Agenda 21 hopefully an awakening will stop their evil and bring in a World we can be proud off.

Lets hope the truth will set humanity free keep on shining a light on their evil Laura we have strength in ever growing numbers, truth and goodness will prevail .@kevinace

I do hope so Kevin. :-D

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.

- Albert Einstein

There are idiots in the alternative media too. But at least you know their biases going in.