-Every peoples , young and old, should be familiar with couscous because, on Fridays, the entire family gathers in their homes to have couscous. I'll now give you the ingredients and directions for making this delicious and incredibly fatty lunch. This amount will serve ten people.
kilograms of couscous
kilograms of meat
Olive oil, one cup
two onions, chopped
A teaspoon of black pepper, and salt to taste
a tiny amount of artificial coloring
Ginger, one teaspoon
a tablespoon of ghee
a kilo and a half of carrots
A half-kilo of yellow and white turnips
A kilo and a half of green ball
0.5 kg of red ball
a kilo and a half of green beans
One-half kilo of cabbage
An apple, a tomato,
coriander bouquet enough water
chickpeas soaked in water for a cup over night
couscous preparation:
Couscous preparation utensil:
- Place the couscous in a bowl, sprinkle with two tablespoons of olive oil, and release it with your hands to separate the grains from each other. Then the couscous is placed in the couscous, which in turn is placed on the pot (the twine). The pot is closed with locks so that steam does not escape from the sides.
-When the steam rises heavily over the couscous, it is left for about 45 minutes, then the couscous is lifted, the couscous is poured into a bowl, and sprinkled with a large cup of cold salted water, while twisting it by hand in order to separate the grains from each other.
-We leave the couscous in the bowl until it drinks that water and put it back in the couscous again for about half an hour. Then it is lifted again and placed in the bowl and sprinkled with a cup of water again with its twisting in order to separate the grains from each other. This process is repeated a third time, and if necessary, a fourth time is sought, and in the last time it is poured into the bowl and greased with ghee.
-How to prepare the broth:
Put the pieces of meat and onions in the pot (the twine), pour out the oil, salt, black pepper, colored pepper, a teaspoon of ghee and ginger, and fry everything well while continuing to stir, then add the chickpeas and two liters of water, then close the pot and leave it to simmer for half an hour.
-After that, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, beans, and a bunch of coriander are added. The vegetables are half-cooked, then green cabbage, red cabbage, and cabbage are added. All are left on a moderate heat until they soften.
-How to apply:
Take the couscous, then put the pieces of meat on it, cover it with vegetables, and water it all with broth, and serve it accompanied by broth and milk.
🤍Health and comfort.🤍