I've been an active Redditor for a few years now but I never signed up for Reddit Gifts until this year! I decided to sign up for Secret Santa and join in on the season of giving. I was a Santa for a younger boy who wants to become a comic book artist. I saw some of his art from his Reddit posts and to b e completely honest.... some of it looked amazing. He linked an Amazon wishlist and it had a few Vinyl Records on it. I gave them all a listen and found one that I really loved. I hope it can help him during his long hours of creating!
My Santa was so sweet and had someone make want I asked for! I'm really into bees and beekeeping so I asked for a custom made beehive sign with the name "Honex Industries" ( named after the honey factory in The Bee Movie) Opening this gift really made my Christmas. I'm on a little Christmas vacation so I can't resize the images properly, but here are a few imgur links.
Package In foam
Cute wrapping paper
Actual Sign
Maybe we can petition to get a Steemit Secret Santa next year! I think a lot of people would really enjoy that. Maybe even other little events like post card trades, or snack trades.
Also, if you're interested in reading more about bees I'm writing a mini-series about them! Here is the link to the first article. Feel free to follow to be able to see them when they go live!