Promoted Tab... Yeah Maybe

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Is it weird that I seem to shy away from the promoted tab for finding new post to read? I mean I have nothing against it per say. Truthfully people who are willing to "put there money where there mouth is" sounds like a fair way to keep junk post down to a minimum on that section of the platform. After all your not going to pay a fee to spam the platform when you can do it for free. And yet I feel like if I click on the link I'm being herded, and I strive not to be a sheep in my daily life (in less it's the black one). I read an article posted by another member on it's use and I used it for a while but reverted to just Active and New tabs (and of course my feeds) a day or so after.

Its not like it's a moral dilemma or something just the way I see it. Did we really need the tab? I'm not sure im kinda new so maybe quite a few Steemit users wanted the tab and I know its a way of sifting the information down more so we might view, comment, and vote on it but im not sure if it was necessary. It I guess is philosophical for me (hobby numba 1 Philosophy) and really Ive never been the social network type preferring to meet folks in real life for my human interaction. Just the pondering of a sage and his demons I guess...

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Yeah this is a necessary component of the platform because money (SBD/Steem) needs to be spent on something or else the currency is useless. Sure the community aspect is great and all that but if you have a useless currency the product is not going to have any value. Just my two cents.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

It's another token in the ecosystem of tokens. we take the token out of play you have a social network on it's surface. You put the token back into play now you get rewarded for participating in a organic way. the token can be traded for other tokens and fiat or asset's like many other tokens. That is a utility of sorts. better applications will be developed that will want Steem for use and what were talking about is paying steem to get more views and essentially more steem. Thats a Loop, the utility I do not see so much beyond the issue of junk control to a lesser extent. Also the value comes from less trolls under the bridge hopefully. And I imagine it makes it harder for the NSA as well which is a plus.