RE: To vote yourself up, or not to vote yourself up, that's the question.

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To vote yourself up, or not to vote yourself up, that's the question.

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Sure, but it does not stop it happening, right or wrong.

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No, but as a society, if we all agree on certain etiquette or rules and someone breaks those rules, then as a group, that person is chastised. If (and that's a big IF) we can ever get everyone to agree, then things get solved.

I did see that applied to one of the Steemit scammers that had his post flagged out of existence.

Unfortunately, there are always a few that attempt to gain an upper hand by less-than-honorable-means. As long as there are consequences, it is possible to somewhat control things. That's what makes society a society. At least in my own definition for 'society' (which is people living in harmony with one another).