How your Self value is the determin factor of how your life will work and WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!

in steemit •  7 years ago 


As much as I love Bitcoin and a true believer of its value to humanity, I am even a bigger believer in the human potential.


Hello Guy`s!

I am new to SteemIt community and it is defiantly looks like THE-place to be!

Let me introduce myself :-)

My name is Eyal and for the last 6 years I teach people how to build their self-esteem and self-value in order to gain massive success in every aspect of life.

The way we see, measure and evaluate our own value (and yes, we do measure ourselves… :-), is the determine factor of how much money we will earn at the workplace we work or at the business we own, it will determine how much love and respect we will get in our relationships and how other people will treat us, and the way we evaluate ourselves will actually reflect in our will to act, our power and vibrant energies we feel towards life.


When we value our selves we feel and know that our ideas, our wants and our talents are amazing and that people need us!
When we value ourselves we feel and know that the world and other people in it, are actually need what we have to offer.
We see ourselves worthy, then we act, produce and create in order to manifest and bring our ideas and dreams to light.

My goal for you dear people is to teach you on how you can become more fulfilled and successful in your own life and this blog is design to give you the POWER TO SUCCEED!

I will deliver you with great insights on life from ways and perspectives that you may not consider to see in that way or manner, and that is because that is what I do!
Day and night I learn, work on myself, and take time to implement those life-changing ideas in order to teach it and to deliver it to my students at seminars or at the clinic I own, and time and time again I witness remarkable transformation stories of people that had been exposed to this wisdom and how their life have been changed for the better!

The right information can Build us and the Bad information can destroy us.

I mentioned being productive and the relation of being a productive person to being a high self-worth person, so GET THIS!

Many people don`t really know but being productive and action oriented (in a healthy and balanced way) is a "side-effect" of being a high self-value person.
It also work the other way around.
Being in a "procrastination mode" most of the time, and delaying most of the things you need or want to do, is actually a side effect of being low self-value person.

What do I mean by this claim?

Think about it for a second.

As an example, let's say that a person feels like his idea for a new business he wants to open, is going to ROCK!! and he truly feel and believes like he is going to win it, so according to the amount of his self-belief in himself and in his idea, that will be the level of his productivity and action taking.
the person that is "doing" the most is actually the person who believes the most!
Believes that his ideas have place in the world, believes that what he wishes to build in the world is worth it and he believes that other people needs what he has to offer and not in an egoistic way but in a balanced and healthy way.

From the other side, a person who is not productive is actually the person who does not believe that what he has to offer actually worth it....
If a person does not believe in himself (meaning he have low self-worth) so this person will not believe in his idea and he will not value his idea as a worth wile idea because he is not valuing himself so he cannot value the things that come out from his own self… (I will expand on this point in my future posts).

And I`m sorry for putting it so straight forward, I do not mean to offend anyone!! my only goal is to give you a real and true solution and to help you to create more, act more and implement more your great ideas so you will be happy, fulfilled living the life you always wanted.

So when you understand that your productivity level is the most accurate reflection to the way you evaluate yourself – this insight alone is a game changer in the way you see your life, because now you know that another Time Management course my not be the solution for you and the more you will have and own the wisdom of how to evaluate yourself more and see yourself as a worthy creature in your own eyes, than you will truly beat the system and will take full control and full charge over your own life, and the best thig about it is that EVERYBODY can worth more!
No matter size, shape, color. Background, nothing, anybody that will learn and implement this wisdom will increase dramatically the quality of his/hers life for the better and I truly talks about 1000X improvement.

In the near future I will upload posts, videos and share with you an incredible wisdom that you will be able to implement easily in your life and to gain massive success in the things that are really important for you!


I believe that you have most of the journey behind you and sometimes all we need is just small and tiny adjustments in our way of thinking so we can be happy and fulfilled as we designed to be.

If you find this content valuable for you, please feel free to follow me or even share it with your friends so you and the people you care about will get informed when I upload new stuff.

If you have any questions please write me in the comments and I would answer your questions with pleasure and will.

Thank you for tuning in!

And remember, today, "just" living, is not a "just", it`s an art.

Eyal Avraham Levi

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