RE: Meet Steem's #1 Author!

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Meet Steem's #1 Author!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

See, the fact that you can say this with a straight face is what makes your whole argument such a joke.

Explain to me exactly how a heart surgeon and a Starbucks barista are equally valuable. Or a bus driver.

Are you totally ignorant of the fact that out of 1 million people, far more are qualified to be bus drivers than heart surgeons?

Do you walk into jewelry stores and rant that all stones are equally valuable and you should be able to buy a diamond for the same price as gravel?

You're barely worth responding to. You are just an ideologue with no reasoning skills. You will never even consider whether your position could be flawed. I don't know why I bother.

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"Explain to me exactly how a heart surgeon and a Starbucks barista are equally valuable. Or a bus driver."

explain to me how you should measure the value of human life in money, thus putting money on a higher position. They choose those jobs because they want to. Soviet russia had more doctors per capita than the united states. Your point is wrong.

None of this is a response to my question.

"Explain to me exactly how a heart surgeon and a Starbucks barista are equally valuable. Or a bus driver."

That is what your theory MUST CLAIM. Now defend it or abandon your theory.

Stop dodging the question, your whole response is nonsense.

The barista chose that job because they are lazy and useless. Do you not understand how creatures are motivated? Personal gain.

"That is what your theory MUST CLAIM. Now defend it or abandon your theory."

not what it claims, stop putting words in my mouth. That's dishonest and with that, I honestly don't care what you have to say.

"The barista chose that job because they are lazy and useless. Do you not understand how creatures are motivated? Personal gain."

You have the balls to accuse me of putting words in your mouth by simply combining your own theories, while you do much worse to me?

Here's a hot tip, stereotyper - Poor people (does not equal) baristas. I never said it or implied it. I picked tow jobs on the basis of disparate skill and devotion.

You're the one who brought up "poor people" and apparently equated them with low-skill, low motivation labor.

Not me.

"Do you walk into jewelry stores and rant that all stones are equally valuable and you should be able to buy a diamond for the same price as gravel?"

diamonds are only expensive because of a monopoly, their price should be around 1/4th to 1/8th the levels it is now. Also no. It takes more human labor to get diamond, so its value is higher. Well except for the fact we can make it in a lab now easily.

Ok, good. This is a great response.

Now replace "diamond" with "medical school degree" and/or "get a diamond" with "cut open a ventricle".

We'll really be cooking with gas then.

Thank you for a real response.

medial school degrees are a service, and one necessary for society. They just wouldn't have to pay for the degree.

Then why bother to work much harder to do it instead of being a barista?

All your plan gets is a huge shortage of doctors.