"You're Not Hired" - How Your (Clean) Social Media, Or Lack Thereof, Can Lose You A Job

in steemit •  8 years ago 

A few years ago, you could expect a prospective employer to glance at your Facebook or Linked In, and maybe to Google your name. Today, much more in-depth vetting of your social media and online presence is no longer the exception, it's the rule.

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We're not talking about C-level executives here, we're talking about every wage-slave applicant who comes across the desks of the Human Resources Department. A fittingly named department, given its goal is to dehumanize the average person until they are an easily quantifiable resource not unlike lumber, coal, oil or copper.

In a recent survey by consulting firm Challenger Gray, only 14% of employers said (claimed?) they did not check social media profiles during the hiring process. This would appear to conflict with the fact that 96% of survey respondents check LinkedIn before contacting a candidate. Either way, you are probably being checked out, and in at least 75% of cases, that happens well before you they even contact you.

Now, perhaps you may think you don't post anything controversial. However, reality is increasingly being treated as open to the interpretation of people's feelings in the West. For example, hypothetically (emphasis on the word: "hypothetically"), perhaps you have stated publicly that you are anti-Sharia law. Oops. There are "progressives" who will call you a racist for that, because apparently Islam is a race these days. Here's the third google result for "anti-Islam racist":

Ahmed Racism.png

Well, if you say so, Ahmed, I guess it must be true. You surely couldn't have an ideological axe to grind or a personal bias on this topic... much like you don't have a grasp on the definition of the word "racism".

In other words, and to be absolutely clear, "I have nothing to hide so what do I care" remains a terrible response to this sort of activity because words can be redefined at anytime to vilify anyone or anything. Rest assured if someone wants you to have something to hide, they'll find some way to distort reality to make it happen, if necessary. When the culture accepts feelings as arguments, this can be much easier than you think.

Even if you choose to completely abstain from social media, you will be actively hurt by this trend of "surveillance". A full 43% of employers said it "hurt" your chances to have no social media presence. Anyone who knows the current ratio of accepted-to-rejected resumes at most HR departments realizes "hurt" is just a nice way of saying "totally kills". Another additional 45% of employers claimed it "made no difference", which would seem to be demonstrably false given the percentages of these same employers who are checking these social media profiles.

Social Media Resume 2.png

I present, Exhibit C.

It would be a lot harder to all all of this alarmism before #CNNBlackmail happened, but with major media networks threatening to dox users for making a meme on Reddit, anything is truly possible. Bastions of reason have to protect themselves from the tyranny of the unreasonable - and let's be clear, what they are looking for, is truly unreasonable.

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Apparently, just a few of the more objectionable activities you may be skipped over for include: Not posting job stuff on your Facebook, posting job stuff on your Facebook (bit of a Catch-22 there), legally using alcohol or tobacco, making a spelling or grammatical mistake, "controversial associations", bad language, being involved in a lawsuit or having another job, side project, or passion of any kind. In other words, any indication you might be a functional human being with a brain, opinions or personal life and not a corporate drone with "Input work" and "Output profit" ports.

Be careful what you post, folks, especially here on Steemit where everything is perpetually burned into the blockchain. Reread that comment or post just one extra time to make sure you will be able to stand by it proudly 5 years into the future. Stick to the facts and always strive for the moral high ground. That is how you win the silent majority.

Also, you might want to avoid doing this.

Read more here: https://steemit.com/news/@lexiconical/cnnblackmail-cnn-threatens-to-dox-reddit-trump-wwf-meme-creator-we-have-entered-the-media-twilight-zone

Sources: Challenger Gray, via ZH(link)

Images via ZH(link)

Copyright: Office Space, 30 Rock

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This is exactly why i made my facebook private, made all posts and pictures private, made it so people cannot message me unless they are my friends, changed my name on facebook to become unsearchable by employers. I do not add my coworkers to my facebook either. It will never happen and i dont care if they want to or not. Nobody needs to know anything about me unless i want to share it with them.

On linked in and other stuff I just have it all professional and what not but still don't reveal my contact information.

What i do is give them a link to my linked in.

Hah, Master of None?

yap :D

It may be of some help to those still holding out hope for that mythical "career" to understand that Human Resources is in actuality the "gatekeeper" whose primary function is to say,

It's a sad commentary on the times when you need to create an online profile that gushes about how your life really revolves around being hired at XYZ Corp and that you dream about participating in the glorious future it has to offer.

Oh, and you're still screwed because you can only do this once and your lifespan at XYZ Corp will be about 3.7 years.

The hardest pill to swallow here is that you'll never know THAT is the reason they passed on your application. I mean, unless you know someone on the inside and they give you the head's up. I've applied to jobs plenty of times and after their passing on my application, I only ever get some generic form letter: "while your qualifications and achievements are impressive, we've decided another candidate was a better fit for the company".
I've gone so far as asking for a little feedback as to why they didn't feel I was the right fit for the company and my request generally falls on deaf ears. All you can do is set your profile to private with a few generic posts showing as public (apparently they must be about praising your work/industry), and hope it all works out for the best. I guess you just aren't allowed to have an opinion/private life in this world.
Great article!

It's true. They don't like to give you feedback because, technically speaking, it can open them up to liability (ie. they might accidentally give you cause to sue them).

Yeah, even if I state "if there were any concerns that might raise red flags for other interviewers". Man, the whole world is so scared of litigation, it's amazing anything gets accomplished these days. I just wanted some FEEDBACK! LOL

Great post. Wow.

Thank you for reading it! Be careful out there.