My Healthy Steeming Story

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

My Story

Growing up I was teased by peers and family for being chubby and short. I was called fat by one I thought loved me. As a kid this was killing my confidence, self esteem and leading me to hate myself and question those I thought loved me. Let alone, creating a horrible issue around body image and eating for a girl. I have battled with eating disorders from overeating, not eating, bingeing, tinkering with throwing up, extreme dieting, and over exercising. Help after help I finally found a great person that helped me work through my past, create a different me and changed my relationship with food.

Eat to live. Exercise because it brings me joy and because its a hobby.

When I was 18 I got turned onto bodybuilding with my Mom. I loved the challenge, pushing myself and seeing how my body changed. I had control over my own body! I felt strong and confident. This lead me to follow my interest and study the body in school. I majored in Kinesiology and focused on Health Promotion and Fitness so I could help and share it with others.

At the time, I was also working as a personal trainer, enjoyed shaping others bodies, and helping them reach their goals. My hobby became my job. I was loosing interest in my hobby but still wanted to help others so followed the corporate fitness path. My internship led into a position to help launch a health program in the corporate world.

The program was a huge success. So much it went from local to national to global! It grew so much. I became overwhelmed and stressed. My stress prevention program that I coordinated for employees lead me to quit my job. During the time I was working in corporate, I personally challenged myself to run a marathon. It was a goal of mine and I reached it. It was my way of releasing my stress, shutting the day out, thinking and having time to myself. I learned I loved to run. Running and my now husband got me into triathlons.

I did not know how to properly swim so it encouraged me to learn to swim. I did my first tri with breast stroke. Little by little I worked up to swimming freestyle and was competing as if I knew how to swim all along.

After quitting my job, I was able to focus on my fiance and get married. I struggled to get pregnant. It took a year and a half, a few rounds of fertility failure and committing to a bikram yoga challenge. During the yoga challenge I complete was focused on myself and my goal.

I had given up the idea of becoming pregnant when guess what….I was becoming a Mother.

Two kids later, I struggled with a Thyroid and stomach issue that lead me to working with a nutritionist. I now eat super simple, nutritious, and strictly for fuel for my body. Less is more. The less ingredients is what I choose for my diet. My new love is learning how to surf. It brings me a ton of joy and I am completely obsessed and in love with the ocean.

Along with surfing I challenge myself at home with bodyweight workouts since they are simple and take less time and money then going to a gym. My focus is being strong, flexible, and able to keep up with my kids. Currently, I am doing great and enjoying my health and happiness. Now I am able to teach my kids about health, fitness and be an active role model for them.

Most importantly, teaching them to love themselves and do what brings them joy and happiness! I’m happy to find #Steemit. It is a great platform that allows me to share my health and fitness love with others. I do have a Facebook, Instagram and blog that I do keep up with for my family and friends to keep up with me. Steemit is a great avenue for me as a Mother to express my passions and gain confidence from helping others. Please check my Steemit blog for fitness challenges and more!

Thank you for taking the time to read My Story. Look forward to hearing your stories, votes, and any feedback. Join my challenges for a happy, healthy Steeming. #steemit #fitness #health

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Blog I tried but no reward

Photo Credit: Some of these pictures are from (

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