in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

I am so tired of opening up my steemit to find that the same damn people are getting the same RESULTS over and over again. Is there a catch? What are the smaller people like myself doing wrong? I completely understand that some are professional bloggers but I see some other posts that have the same topics, same content just in different wordings, but the little people still stay LITTLE!

Somebody please explain to me what is happening? Do we need to make the initial invest? Is this how we are going to get the big bucks like the big guys? Because not ALL of US have that type of change to dish out. There must be a way to get the same results as these guys! I mean, come on, thousands of dollars in a matter of hours? How the hell is that possible? I was up freaking early to post a blog and that didn't change anything!

Do we all need to blog about bitcoins and steemit and challenges between one another? Is that how this goes? I am sure all of the people that are not making anything are wondering the same thing as I am. We all received the same pointers and tips and I think I have shown that in my blogs but why is mine or others not converting like you BIG GUYS? HUH? WHY?

So the little people are supposed to sit back and just upvote the ones that are making a ton of money already? For what? They are already RICH! I don't know shit about no bitcoins and political bullshit, does this mean I won't make any money? I want to know what YOU guys are doing that makes you so SUCCESSFUL with steemit. I am here for the long run, so you're going to be hearing a lot more from me, whether you like it or not. LOL

But all jokes aside, REALLY, what's your secret?! Let us little people in on the secret! We want to eat Lobsters and be on vacations too. Don't be greedy! Let us know!

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thanks @ alexgr I will be sure to read it and share it with my other butthurt friends hahaha.

LOL I was expecting to get a comment like this! Congratulations on being the first! lol love the photo haha

The secret is that the those of us who are doing well never came here FOR the money. It came and we were surprised and humbled. We did not or do not expect to be paid just for showing up. You want to know the secret? Hard work and making an effort to connect with others. Yes, probably not what you wanted to hear. "Is this how we are going to get the big bucks like the big guys?" You pretty much admitted that this is all you care about. Ask yourself if would you be doing this (writing, art, whatever you do) anyway, because you feel like it's a part of you? If not, then you are looking for a quick way to make a buck and it doesn't work that way.

I know that it doesn't work that way. And it's not all I care about. Yes, it would be AWESOME to be able to make a couple hundred bucks from doing this and I wouldn't expect to make thousands like these guys. I know they are professional writers and bloggers, and that's why they are successful. I DO work hard, and I BLOG a lot! On many different topics. I've gone through all the pointers and the tips that have been given to me, but I see no change. Please note, as I said "all jokes aside". I am not a mean person by any means...

And I love to write.

Keep on going! I don't think you are a mean person - just frustrated. :/ You might be closer than you think!

Thanks, that's why I do "Keep moving forward". It does get frustrating but success takes patience and that, I do have...sometimes lol :)

Consistency! Keep writing and writing and writing. Keep giving is what I say, the reward will pay out in its own way.

Thanks :)

Jeff Berwick touched the subject rather well, Here, and here.

  • A lot of the "big earners", have build a following over years and years of hard work, sometimes even with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Larken Rose for instance, have been selling really cheap copies of his books, sometimes practicly giving ekstra away for free, if you bought one, just to earn a tiny amount of money in order to continue the work that he's been doing, which he have been given away for free, for years.
The Mirror which is probably his biggest project to date, is also something he's giving away for free, once it's done.

^ The same with Jeff. He have 2 youtube channels, The Anarchast, and, The Dollar Vigilante, where he's been consistently producing great stuff, and just giving it away.

  • It have definitely been a lot of work. So I think it's completely fine, that they earn something now. (I've been following them both, and a couple of the other "big earners" for years, without paying a dime. - Well, I've donated a little, once in a while, when I could afford it. But voluntary donations, doesn't change the fact, that they give it away.)

So as Jeff writes in one of the posts, "Take note of what they do, what gives them success, learn from it, improve your own work, and build a following that way." - Though I'm paraphrasing a bit, but it's around those lines. ^_^

Thanks @mistowed I've always enjoyed what you had to share with me. It's greatly appreciated, friend.

I did include links in all of the blue tekst, for inspiration purposes. - They are great people to follow, in order to learn how to get followers through writing skills, and consistent messages. ^_^

Awesome! Thanks. I'll definitely check it out!

You are more than welcome. ^_^

  • I love to read. - And what's better to read, than great content? :D

I wanted to make a serious comment, on your "joke". Couldn't help myself. :b

LOL please, by all means...I think everyone really thinks that I am a psychotic individual @ this point. lol Boy, blogging is great. :P

Your other option is to share really personal struggles that you've overcome. Or implement some kind of steemit marketing campaign. Or get famous somewhere else and then post about it. Or post something about how to succeed on steemit.

I did one on being a cigarette addict...didn't do too well as I hoped...but it's something I'd expect. Seems like all the topics that seem to be trending at the moment are those in bitcoins and stocks and politics that I am clueless about. I mean, I know what bitcoins are but I don't have enough knowledge and don't think I care to have knowledge about bitcoins. LOL. I appreciate your suggestions though. I am open to any and all :)

I think the headline of the cigarette addict post, had a bit to do with that.

  • I expected something completely different, when I opened it. ^_^

Yes, I've been learning a LOT these past few days of blogging. I need to double check my work and make sure things are properly aligned with the topic.

Well, I'm not really the one that should give advice on such things.

  • I had one post, that hit a tiny drop of hits, and then absolutely nothing. :b

I don't complain though. I'm here to read, and improve my own skills. Would I like to earn something while doing it? Sure. But it's only an added bonus for me. ^_^

i learned fast early on not to expect anything from steemit. now i use steemit like i use reddit. not expecting to get paid and not caring about it.