in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Facebook has been around for quite some time now. But I see that just around the corner, the near future, steemit will be the #1 platform that people will use on a daily basis. The only difference is, steemit pays. And it pays well. (depending on how well your topics are chosen for your blogs, of course) I must admit, I will feel very sorry for Mark Zuckerburg when steemit climbs to the top of the chain.

Not only will steemit climb over and beyond facebook, but twitter and snapchat will be down in the dumps as well. Nobody is going to care about those social networks anymore, knowing that they can make big BUCKS with steemit. I am happy to have found it before the rest of my friends and family because then, I will be able to gloat and tell them, "I TOLD YOU SO". Steemit has it all. And it's going to be so beneficial for all of the PROFESSIONAL bloggers. Could you image the amount of money they can grasp, by doing just one blog?

I can say, I am not an expert when it comes to blogging, nor the online world. But honestly, I don't believe that it takes a genius to write about something that is of interests to others. I wouldn't recommend searching up a site and then copying and pasting it to your own blog, no, because that would be called plagiarizing. And that is a NO NO. But I would recommend, searching up trending topics, learn about it, and write it in your own words. Add some pizazz to it as well. Make it your own.

I know a lot of people that have already disabled their FACEBOOK accounts. Soon, we will come to find them here. I completely understand why people would leave facebook though. There have been many counts of teens committing suicide because of the social network bullying. There are scam artists lurking in the shadows of FACEBOOK, ready to hack into accounts. There are pedophiles pretending to be someone that they are not, ready to snatch up their next prey. I could go on and on but I'll leave it at that.

I feel safe and secure here with the steemit team and I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for the long run. And it's actually very funny because since I've been a part of steemit, I've probably only checked into facebook twice. There is no going back.

So, do you agree with me? Will STEEMIT be the new FACEBOOK?

  1. Yes
  2. No
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I agree with much of what you've written here in regards to Steemit in comparison to other social media platforms, such as Facebook, and Twitter. I already find myself gravitating more to this platform than to Facebook, mainly because the information here is more pertinent to my interests, as well as the intelligence of users being of a higher caliber. Steemit came to us at the most opportune time, especially in cases where people are becoming tired of the humdrum of election headlines, and regurgitated news feeds.
I also feel more comfortable here and I don't have any plans on ditching the site. I am doing what I can to promote this site on other platforms in hopes of seeing more of my friends and favorite people joining. I think Steemit will surpass anything that Facebook has had to offer in the past, so in my opinion, it will be BETTER than Facebook!

I couldn't agree more

yes :)