Feature Request: A queue function for content producers

in steemit •  8 years ago 

In a nutshell

I would like to have a way of saving draft posts and managing the time at which they are posted, creating a queue of posts from me that are spread out through the day, respecting the post reward rate limit

The problems

My creativity (hint: it's not just mine!) doesn't work on the clock. I have days when I can't write at all, there are others when I wake up and make a list of posts and can barely knock them off slowly enough for them to make any sense. Currently, being prolific in a short space of time is penalised by the Post Reward Rate Limit which (in order to deter spam) reduces the rewards once you post more than 4 times in a day - with this in place a "good Steemer" posts once very six hours, and no more. My Steemit time needs to fit in around the rest of my life rather than me having to synchronise myself with the Steem-clock.


I could keep a text file of my drafts and to pick one out when I'm online and have time, I copy and paste by hand - have to separate out the title from the body and from the tags I've chosen. @inertia suggests committing drafts to GitHub but I'm not sure whether this adds anything beyond giving a web-based preview of your Markdown.

Prior art/ other interest

I did a quick search for prior art - if you look for "queue" in the Steemit Search, you get a lot of articles about the miner or witness queues (I don't know exactly what these are, but I can imagine) plus some using the word queue to describe a feed ("a queue of new articles about..."). Of course there were also some people talking about actual queues, lines of people waiting for bread, or ribbons, or their paycheck.

@forestwillie proposed a queue button but this was to queue up posts to be read, things seen in your feed which you don't have time to look at properly - I'd call this more of a "save for later" function.

@timcliff has a great Steemit Wish-list but I couldn't see anything about queueing posts there.

User's experience of a solution

My experience should be just the same as writing a normal post. There would be a button marked "Add to Queue" or similiar alongside the existing "Post" button.

Tumblr has a similar function - it's implemented as a dropdown on the "Post" button

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"Save as draft" would be good feature but "posting queue" will just make things easier for spambots.

Well, yes, I see that - to some people what I'm proposing basically is a spambot - one man's spambot is another man's time-management and profit-optimisation tool :)

And presumably people are already writing bots to auto-post within the rate-limit. I'm just after making life easier for people like me, whose coding skillz are rustier than our prose skillz.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

In that sense it would be good to give everyone the same chance for AFK posting.