My Disenchantment With Steemit. Sad truth - majority of posts on Steemit bring LITTLE intellectual or informational value.

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

I am slowly becoming disenchanted with Steem. It appears that majority of posts here have little or no intellectual value (celebrities, self promotion, pointless life stories etc.).
Non of them teach you anything intellectually valuable or contribute some intellectual value to humanity.
Posts about social and matters environmental (climate change, human rights, equality) or even science seem to attract little attention...

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Unfortunately posts with little intellectual value are rewarded. You see Steemit is a democracy, but the whales votes are worth more. The whales want to attract the common person to Steemit not just intellectuals. How do you attract more people to steemit? Ass, Titties and Rags 2 Riches Stories. The whales won't upvote your content because unfortunately you and me are not the ideal steemers.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

That says a lot about states of minds of majority of people in our culture.
If our mind is full of bullshit, we get attracted to bullshit...

Maybe just because it is new? I'm totally new to this so I'm just figuring it out right now. But it looks like things are grouped by tags rather than channels or groups etc. So maybe we push to focus on accurately tagging things to keep them organized?

I believe it's only because it's still new. People are still surprised that it's a legitimate thing. My wife does the newsletter and blog for a social justice group she volunteers with and she's probably going to sign up here and start posting eventually. She's been busy this week so she hasn't gotten her name on the waiting list yet, but it will be coming.

That's great but will her post attract any attention. As you see, most of people here tend to post bullshit and get attracted to bullshit

I have no idea. There doesn't seem to be a trend of things people are interested in here except for boobs, circle jerk posts and complaining about circle jerk posts. She won't be posting about any of those so as the trends around here seem to go she won't be paid any attention.

That's great. I'm looking forward to it then