Imporatant Of Steemit Tags

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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When creating a post on steemit it is important to tag your post correctly. It helps people find your content who are interested in that area.

Tags are important for many reasons on steemit. Ultimately it allows the arrangement of categories for easy browsing.

If you want to read fiction you can easily just browse the fiction tag. Obviously when you do this it is a little annoying if people have randomly tagged their recipe for moms apple pie as fiction. You see what I mean?

People in chat often complain that they have been flagged or chastised for using incorrect tags. They think why shouldn't I use that tag?

Tag spamming is where people use a tag because they think that they will gain more views and upvotes by using that tag. A common one being steemit.

Be aware that if you use tags that are completely unrelated to your post you do run the risk of being flagged for tag abuse which carries a reputational risk too.

I would recommend that you do not do this. After all we are all here to add to the community. Not detract from it.

Finally, be careful with your selection for your first tag. It is the tag that makes up part of the link of your post.

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