I'm back on Steemit! And I've learned my lesson about securing my password

in steemit •  8 years ago 


Hello again! I'm back on Steemit! I actually started back last summer with Steemit, back around the launch of the platform. I submitted a couple of posts and comments. It was so great to see those Steem Dollars add up! It was also cool to be a part of a new thing! I, however, was an idiot. I didn't secure my password and keep it backed up somewhere offline. When the cache cleared on my computer, that stored password was gone. I looked everywhere and no luck. With no other options, I just let my account go. Somewhere there is an an orphan account with about $300 on it, adrift.

So now I'm giving Steemit another try. I'll be posting my thoughts on technology and possibly photography. This time however, I'll be backing up my credentials. They're offline in multiple areas. I won't be a fool again!

See you soon!

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Welcome back and sorry to hear about that. The signup page has all kinds of warnings to backup the password now. What was your old account's name?

It was my fault. I can't blame Steemit. I think the account name was my real name. I'll look it up again sometime.

Welcome back and good luck! Sometimes we have to learn a lesson :) But I am sure you´re going to recover these $300 quickly!

I hope so!