Improving Steemit: Ensuring Tag Exclusivity

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


All of us have taken to search and sift through some tags on social networking and blogging websites and platforms and ended up getting annoyed at absolutely irrelevant and unrelated blog posts being present in the categories that have nothing to do with them.

All this does is create annoyance and frustration as it prevents you from finding what you were actually looking for. It also takes up unnecessary time as you spend a few minutes looking at the post in confusion. To sum it up, it is an irritating thing that is bound to happen anywhere where tagging is a solely user based and controlled feature.

It is not uncommon to find irrelevant posts present under some of the tags on According to the policy of Steemit, the users and bloggers are considered, themselves, to be responsible for only tagging their posts and shares in relevant categories or else they may face certain repercussions.

The repercussions, however, are not exactly as harsh as they ought to be. The users themselves can flag these misplaced posts which are then removed later and the posts or more or less removed.

The users can be spared the process of having to figure out and report mis-tagged posts if Steemit employs a team or mechanism that could filter out the tags for relevant information and verify the relevancy of the posts before they are allowed to be publicly issued in the actual tag.

Apart from the exclusivity of tags, there is also an issue of tags not being refined enough. While Steemit has a plethora of tags under which several things can be methodically categorized, it still takes into a consideration a very large umbrella of terms.

Users should be able to further refine their search by searching for tags inside the existing broader tags so that they can achieve very refined and thorough results that pinpoint to exactly what they are looking for instead of requiring them to sift through pages worth of content under a particular tag just so they can find that one blog post they forgot to remember the name of.

Nobody wants to find recipes of potatoes cooked four different ways to make Christmas dinner more interesting under the technology tag. The technology related stuff should be kept under the technology tag whereas the potatoes and tomatoes can go under the food or cooking tag. By ensuring the exclusivity of tags and keeping the material as pure as it can possibly be, Steemit will be improving the user’s experience several degrees and will make viewing tags a much more convenient and bother-free task.

So does anyone have anything to say about the above? Are there already methods of doing the above that I have missed? Do you have any ideas for improving the platform? Please post your answers in the comments. Thanks!

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