So Blessed

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I just got done reading an article by the infamous @papa-pepper, my good friend and often times booster on steemit. READ ARTICLE HERE The article had to do with how your ego and sense of entitlement could get you "killed" on here.

More than half of my success on here is due to interacting with great people like @papa-pepper and engaging in this community. I often enter contests and though I have not won any big prizes, my engagement pays off better than the contest prize anyway. I have gotten noticed by @curie for entering the super hot pepper challenge and have gained (to me) a pretty large following. Here are just two examples.

Two examples of winning by trying

Of course the #hotpepperchallenge isn't over yet so I may still win 😉.

But, seriously, this is the greatest community I have had the honor of being a part of. There are so many positive points of view on steemit and I understand that it isn't a perfect platform, but, where else will you find such helpful people. The beautiful art of steemians like @edgarsart, the wonderful poetry and stories of people like @prufarchy. The great photography of @jamtaylor67. Just to name a few of my favorites.
There are many un or underappreciated posters on here for sure, but, instead of engaging, they lash out and try to use force. Force is highly unlikely to do you any good on here,we are mostly anarchists. We abhor the use of force by anyone. Instead of trying to force the issue, try promoting someone else's efforts. It will make you feel better and it might just boost your popularity. Look at @williambanks and his nameinlights idea.
There is endless inspiration on steemit and most everyone on here wants to see you succeed.

your success may depend on my success!

So, like I always say, keep casting and help someone. It will pay you back in dividends you might not expect!

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Thanks for the inspiration!

Thanks for letting me inspire you.

Very positive article :) I like the emphasis on engagement and community

Thank you so much! To me that is the real reward.

Cheers @matthewtiii!!! You know that saying: "there's always room for one more"? :-D

I truly believe that. 😊

That's the way. Congrats


Cool Post
Steem On!

I will steem on til my fingers don't work any longer. You do the same. Thank you!
