RE: Nasty individual on Steemit

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Nasty individual on Steemit

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Those that often look for a reason to fight usually find one. And they are called bullies....

Your displeasure and disgust is understood but, the only thing worse is fascist responses . Freedom MUST allow for people to be stupid, ignorant, childish, racist, even hateful, thoughtful, caring generous etc. It's the natural order of natural growth TRUE growth and HONEST growth. Anything else, forced fascist styled growth ALWAYS produces monsters worse than the morons of the first offense that express their thoughts and feelings.

Besides who are you to say if the fat person is not soaked in self loathing because of theirown issue and on the verge of a coronary but ALSO on the verge of change that would push them into a healthier state that kept their soul spark alive on this planet another day. Im a certified personal master trainer that used to be fat. Ive seen it all and done most of it. The road you are travelling is slippery Ive discovered its Always best to let a person HELP THEMSELVES but council them IF you actually know what you are doing. Its not right/just for you me or the other guy to become the next SJW moron that saves the world. The world may need saving but its made up of individuals. What YOU deem as justice of a person in need of saving may actually become fascist justice which is NO justice but self appointed rightness. Or you may KILL the butterfly that is actually in the middle of transformation to a better stronger self. We as people MUST become stronger "on our own". We MUST learn to overcome the worlds gravity of cruelty each for ourselves for just like astronaughts in space get weaker without gravity so to do humans get weaker without resistance. And the world will NEVER roll over and start being kind sweet soft easy etc because you say meanie, NO FAIR! Of course its not fair....its life. Dont wish that things were easier, wish that you were stronger... Yaknow? That's my view point anyway... Good luck.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself"
Leo Tolstoy

I am Groot - Have a good day, have a better one tomorrow...

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Followed because the black belt level verbal ass kicking you gave!

He makes up and changes his reasoning constantly.

Thanks, I DO hate a bully and he did have a point,.... BUT he himself is becoming a bully by the path he's taking. I do get it. I'm a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. I also have been fat. I totally get it from both sides but his SJW path leads to waaay more pain on this earth. Thanks again Brah!

The fat thing came up because a bit back I posted a video about the girl that gave the TED talk about how its wrong for doctors to tell their paitents they are unhealthy for being fat or they need to lose weight is a bad thing died at a young age because she was unhealthy.
He was originally mad about me posting about asking if antifa supporters are now terrorist simpathisers after antifa was considered a terrorist orginaziation, then it was because i was posting quran verses, then after he called me a nazi I said fuck commies, fuck nazis, fuck antifa and fuck blm. Next step he tried to take was fat people.
I hate Marxist SJW fools. He couldnt get me to stop so he calls on other SJW's to help him make me do what he wants.
They have a mute, no reason to follow me and flag me.

Yes, me too. I hate a bully. I am a very right leaning libertarian. I believe in freedom. With a small government. Freedom also means having the right to be wrong even an asshole. We all have those rights too. They are needed. I don't agree with being hateful but no one has a right to not have their feelings hurt THAT IS NOT A RIGHT. It promotes a cycle of weakness. Gravity/resistance produces strength. I wish I could get strong by just complaining but I cant not in a way that I can live with myself that is... but I wrote up a post that I will put up soon that he definately influenced me on. "What I've learned" watching Arrow. not all of the writeup mind you but thoughts of him were in some of it. Hope he reads it and gets some new thoughts. Emotions usually get you in trouble... Gotta get that write up polished so I can put it up.. thanks for the heads up on the info though. I will keep my head on a swivel.

I kept telling him that i'm not giving offence he is taking it.
Freedom of speech is needed to protect the unpopular opinion because the popular opinion does not need defending.
You cant keep everyone happy, there will always be someone to get upset about something.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Free speech like that works with good people as a society we need rules and laws and common sense. I have views on things which I might feel strongly about but I don't go out and speak abusively about it even though I might think it.

A prime example of free speech unable to be censored is ISIL, they preach their hate speech and twisted views on the world and the message gets out where weak minded people have been convinced to fall in line with the warped views of ISIL and now we have hundreds newly radicalised terrorists cropping up all over the world. If we could have completely stopped ISILs message from spreading accross the world in the first place these weak minded people would not have joined their "cause".

Hatred breeds hatred and If you allows hateful messages to be freely broadcasted it will breed more hatred.

This individual who openly calls overweight people hurtful names and even replied to me by calling me a "retard" accompanied with the picture of someone with down syndrome only gives the message that if he can say that I'll say that too and before you know it we have a flood of trolls preaching their messages of hatred all over Steemit, but if we make it clear it's not welcome and explain why maybe it will make them think hey maybe what I'm saying is disgusting and stop.

A society needs to have rules without it civilization would collapse because no one would be civil.

spoken like a true socialist fool, who has been brainwashed by political correctness, urgh we dont need rules at all, in saying that what you are saying is everybody would instantly become criminals if the terrorists masquerading as guberment dissolved overnight....
What you are calling "hate" is nothing more than prejudices, something else we are entitled to. If you dont want to see the things you dont like, then get off the internet, Ive been here for 2 decades and enjoyed my freedom of speech as have many millions of other folk, we will not allow a bunch of idiotic SJWs to control what we publish, there are 7.8 billion people in the world, that says there are going to be countless differing opinions, and this is something only you can accept or reject, just understand no amount of crying will change it...

Hatred breeds hatred.

Prejudice breeds prejudice

Fixed that for ya :P
You really do not like having your freedoms do you? well just because you do not like yours does not mean the other 7.799999999 billion of us dont...
Not only are you playing the sheepdog you are also presenting a retarded liberal SJW neo nazi, but hey that is your right, just understand your a minority and a victim of guberment brainwashing!!!

A world without rules would be fantastic oh I wish we would remove all rules.

Oh Imagine the joy as you open the gates of the prisons, a psychopath disembouls n ex prison guard on the way out, a paedophile grabs the nearest child.

Radicalised terrorists are free the slice the heads straight off whoever they feel.

What a joyeous world that would be oh please please please make it so!. The more you tell me that there should be no rules the more I want it to happen. It sounds AMAZING!.

A world without rules would be fantastic oh I wish we would remove all rules.

so do I

a psychopath disembouls n ex prison guard on the way out

Prolly deserved, have you never had dealings with prison screws?

a paedophile grabs the nearest child.

Impossible, no rules = all pedo's dead!!!

What a joyeous world that would be oh please please please make it so!. The more you tell me that there should be no rules the more I want it to happen. It sounds AMAZING!.

+1, your finally starting to get it, thank you :)

I'm going to agree to disagree this is a pointless waste of energy.

If everyone was good we wouldn't have needed rules in the first place, everyone is NOT good therefore as a civilization we need rules. End of discussion.

Sorry but I'm agreeing to nothing with you mate, there is nothing to agree upon.

If everyone was good we wouldn't have needed rules in the first place

Sorry but wrong, Money = the root of all evil, had we not been subjugated into slavery with the tool of "money" there would be no alleged "bad people"

everyone is NOT good therefore as a civilization we need rules. End of discussion.

Erm sorry but again NO, you can bow out of the debate but you have not closed it down, you made a feeble attempt at closing it down, if you want to end it stop giving me reason to reply, just understand you are wrong and a minority in your opinion :)

Sorry brah, you mean well but it's called life. get over your hero complex is my advice. I'm pretty sure that no one ask you to "correct" this person for their SJW crimes. It does suck, he IS an ass but your crimes are no better. Just different. This is America where I live I presume you as well. In this country we ARE ALL FREE to "say" (almost) any damn thing we damn well please. You nor I nor the next person have ANY "rights" to not get their feelings hurt... sorry brah... you mean well but are on the bully path. What's next? The next time YOU descide someone gets verbally out of line... NOPE. Free means FREE!
That means I, YOU and the other guy "ALL" have the "RIGHT TO BE WRONG" Yaknow? Anybody can come along and say you said this or that and it was out of line. Maybe its true or maybe they are just a big thumbsucking pssy!
Point is, the framers of this countyr were waaaaaaaaay smarter than you and I both. I prefer to use their judgement. I've been around the block ALOT trust me on this one. I do care, I get it but, you are on a slippery path that will cause much more harm than good.
The framers knew that and it's only recently that it's all been going shitty. That's because people have been getting their feelings ahead of personal growth and just growing up. And on that note I'll wind it up with It's not your place to do someone elses personal growth.
Besides it wont work. Everybody has to do their own growing and life be it nice or not is the proving ground for us each on our on.
I'm done, trust me enough to at least listen to some old school gurus like Jim Rohn (the king) and kick around my points. Just trust me enough to do that first.