Auto Biography by Mayflow

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Auto Biography baby.jpg
I don’t remember being born, but it must have been a shocking experience to leave a safe little non-demanding womb where all my needs were fulfilled for me. Heck, I didn’t even have to breathe for myself. I suppose I came into this world with a light that blinded me and hurt my eyes and a slap on my poor naked little bottom that made me cry. What a horrible entrance!!

It is unknown to me whether I came into this world with any expectations or any sort of predispositions… I wonder about this sometimes, like when I see where someone has killed or raped or hurt others and I wonder if I grew up in the same circumstances and had the exact same experiences, could this have been me? In a sense, the point may be moot since everything is so interconnected in the mind. If the same person that did these crimes had just thought or reacted to certain early stimuli just slightly differently, it seems certainly possible their entire life and viewpoints may have been completely different.

Thinking about this reminds me of how all our actions and words and thoughts not only affect ourselves but everyone everywhere as they could easily change the lives of others for either the better or the worse!

It appears I am carrying on with these mind thoughts and will continue on for a while. Isn't this true for all of us as in all for one and one for all?

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Life is full of surprises... A journey we must all take 🤓

Yeah, it is really so true, isn't it? This biography could belong to anyone! :D

I like your post! .Good idea.

Hey thanks! :)