in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

What a great and wonderful friday to share with all steemians...Its another #marketfriday to celebrate as l take you with me through the market of Pankrono inside Kumasi here in Ghana.
Its basically the biggest market for the people of Pankrono province..Just as many others in Ghana here,this market is filled with almost everything you can think of..Am here today for some cassava and plantain for fufu during the weekend...
They looking nice but had to see some more.
Here l go....
I had to sort myself with some vegies as well...they are always looking nice here at the market.
Looking for some more other ones...maybe at affordable prices.lol

Let me now introduce you to the other parts of the market l found my way today...


Markets here in Ghana give nothing but pure and fresh natural foodstuffs needed...Just as always, the place looked really busy all around..
And this is where l found my way out home..
It was a great day...and always glad to find my way at the market each and every friday to connect with my lovely family here on steemit.. #mfc is indeed awesome and many thanks to you @dswigle for the initiative..
Lets share the experinces of other markets in other places.
Its #MarketFridayChallenge
Its #steemitghana
Lets steem on
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Another incredible #MarketFriday!!! (you would get more people if you put #MarketFriday for you title!)

I just love when you take me through all the stalls at the market in Pankrono
where there is a such a variety!! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this experience with all of us. It is this that makes us understand each others world.

We are all people nonetheless. :)

Thank you again!!! I am so appreciative! If you want to see the rest of the world, just tap your #MarketFriday hashtag on the bottom and it will bring them all up!

Upped and Steemed

Thanks a million...steem on

You are welcome!! See you next week!


lovely market dear..

Nice pics! Looks like a great market to explore. About how many sellers/stalls?

Hahaha....more than 800 stores and imagine the number of sellers here....its s great market...thanks ..steem on

Wow, that's great! I'll have to visit one day :)

You surely have to..

The colors of Ghana! Beautiful post!

Thanks too

What a fascinating market! Wish I could go shopping with you. Upped and steemed.

you are welcome bro....always pleased to receive you here in ghana

Oh wow i see u DID make this a series!

Keep poosting this series and u will soon make $100 per post! Show steemit logops in these photos by simply printing out a little steemit logo, fold it up or cut it out so its just a small little piece of paper with steemit logo, and place it in the background of the photos, just have it on the ground or in a window when u take photos of things so the steemit logo is present! it will help make every photo of yours a steemit photo...just a suggection to make ur photos even more valuable! they are already REALY good, ic oudnt ask for a better steemit post! and i will help u get these on trending!

just keep this up! keep doing this market series! you can get a great big folowing of users who love to see travel photos! Likei said, this is very exotic and Ghana seems to be very wealthy for Africa! Good to see how you grow a lot of fod there and to see how organic and non GMO it all looks, @tj4real said you all grow ur own fod and cannot import food as easily which makes u more self sufficient which is GREAT

We need to celebrate that , and celebrate all of Ghanas succeses. show off these photos and show ur willingnes to have a FREE MARKET which is all we want as foreign investors! We wnana know that theers no regulations or restriuctions, so we could startt the first drone shopping company in Africa for exmaple because in the US or europe there are too many regulations on aiorcraft and delivery etc, but in Africa wu can be alrteady making millions off drone deliveries while the West is still arguing about the Law and about how to regulate it, so u have to show teh world how business can THRIVE in ghana because of few regulations and restrictions

anyway yeah im getting off track and rambling here but this is a REALLy good post

KEEP POSTING like this showing the everyay life ofrom VICE where they visit some crazy slums with poverty etc, but they ALWAY show us the WORST parts oif Africa on the news, and its good to give the poorest attention BUT people nEED to see that there is also wealth in Africa, and these images give a GREAT representatioon to us of Ghan!!

This is perfect for showing off to steemit the Ghanese people and the Societya nd culture! its perfect! it will hel;p u and @tj4real to represent Ghana to the world! We western people dont EVER get a chance to see Africa, maybe we will see a documentary or wartch some video on Vice showing some slums or poor areas, but this is important that youir showing the nicerparts!

You are some of the ONLY ambassadors for your country online!

You will be recognizes as Heros of Ghana by your government and receiv awards from the president of Ghana one day very soon!

You will end up with your own radio show and Ghana website Blog, and ghana youtube channel and youll be able to VLOG about Ghana sshowing ADVENTURES in your country, it will help tourism and u will be able to find ways to actually bring billions in investment into Ghana by way of crypto currency! if you can convince your gfovernment to subsidzize free electricity for your Bitcoin mining operation, you could start your own version of genesis mining, and help Ghana people to join your mining pool and we could acquire you a Angel Investor Loan, we can show a Humantarian Aid group that you deserve A MICRO FINANCE loan we can work with GRAMEEN BANk who fights poverty by allowing p2p micro lending where u can INVEST in a small business for someone in africa or india to start a ssmall farm etc, and they pay u back over time, and uc an even make a profit! So it helps people make a lil money while helping grow developing natiosn economies
we needto get u a grant and small busines loans