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1 year and 50 weeks ago

This is just a discussion topic but...

Time travel I think could be real. But not in the way that we think of it.
I believe that we can only travel into the future, NOT into the past.

That can be the only possible explanation for why we haven't seen any time travelers from the future.
The arrow of time only goes forward, at least i think.

I mean, these are just pure opinions. What do you guys think about all this?

1 year and 49 weeks ago

I agree with you, it is maybe possible. For example, there are satellites where time doesn't go the same speed as on Earth. I don't know many things about it so I don't know what to tell you else. Also, you should watch this film if you want:,,Intersteler``. I heard that some scientists helped that film to be more realistic, by that I mean that some things that happened in it could be possible in real life, but not all of course.

1 year and 47 weeks ago

I don't know how you guys think that we can travel to the future. The only theory containing time travel that can be to an extent proven is Einstein's. And according to it time travel is only possible towards the past. Now, it is not easy to explain why and I have not time right now. But you can search his theories really easily.

1 year and 46 weeks ago

Time doesn't have a direction. We, as three dimensional beings can only comprehend our three dimensional space. Now try imagining fourth dimensional space as a three dimensional space, and imagine that a four dimensional being is looking at a 'fourth dimension' cube (imagine the cube in three dimensions).

Now we can say that in our dimension in one moment of time not a single part of our three dimensional cube will be changed (our cube has X, Y, Z coordinates while fourth dimension cube has X, Y, Z, T coordinates, just think of it like that). So, in order for our cube to be changed time needs to affect it, our cube will remain unchanged in our three dimensional world unless a fourth dimension force (time) changes it.

Let's go back to the observer in the fourth dimension. In one moment of their dimension their cube will not change. Now think of their cube as our entire world from it's beginning until it's end. In that one moment in fourth dimension nothing will change in the cube, which means that even if time travel exists, you can't change anything because no matter what you do you would have always done it in a global, fourth dimension scale.

I hope that made some sense, if not, tell what needs to be explained with more details.

Another thing, i assume that you could have a peek into past if you could travel faster than the speed of light. You would travel as far as you need to catch up with the 'light' that our planet sent in a specific moment in time that you want to see. Example for that is observing distant galaxies, everything you 'see' is not what's happening right now, it's what's happened a long time ago because light took it's time to reach us.

1 year and 43 weeks ago

Excellent post Pseudonym. You made something complex very understandable. I tend to agree with you. I think that technology is not yet advanced enough for us to be able to do this. Maybe once we have furthered our understanding of science and the universe it will be possible. I think this for all 'supernatural' happenings. Anything that is unexplainable to us now could just be because we have not yet developed the correct instrument to assists our senses in this field. Most of our influential and groundbreaking inventions are ones that help us perceive and understand the world around us in a different way through use of the senses. Telescopes, Microscopes, spectroscopes etc all assist our senses in perceiving something that without them would be indistinguishable from magic or supernatural.

I can't remember who said it but I think his name was Arthur C Clarke (please correct me if I'm wrong) he stated that " any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I really like this quote because when you look at the past and what we have come from to what we have now it really does make sense. Imagine you are a caveman and you get in a time machine and travel to 2016. Even something as basic as a telephone would be so alien that it would appear supernatural.

anyway, kind of gone a bit off topic with the time travel thing (sorry!) but I basically just believe we are not advanced enough technology wise to be able to do this now, in 10,000 years who knows?

1 year and 42 weeks ago

"Time" is a man-made construct. Who is to say that it only moves forward? Why can't it move backwards? Pause? What if "Time" is not what is moving but everything else? What if time, like space, moves in all directions?

1 year and 40 weeks ago

"Time is an illusion" is a truism that encapsulates how/why we experience time the way we,as humans,do experience time. If humans were to be able to travel in time, to what end would we want to do so? The mere act of traveling in time would change the timeline for those involved, some have postulated. Still, the whole subject of temporal mechanics is a fascinating exercise of intellect if nothing else. Relativity tells us that time is altered by gravity, dilating and constricting with the effect of gravity. Who can say what will be the knowledge gained by the recent confirmation of the existence of gravity waves. Perhaps this avenue of research will open some new theory that leads to confirmation or refutation of the possibility of time travel.

Essential reading:

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (1884) by Edwin Abbott
The Overlords of War (1971) by Gerard Klein

1 year and 39 weeks ago

Traveling back in time is only a possibility if you accept the multiverse theory. If one were to travel back in time they would not be able to travel to the past of their own dimension but could theoretically travel to the past of an alternate dimension. If the alternate dimensions are introduced into the time travel problem you no longer have the paradoxes that would normally prohibit travel to the past. For instance killing your grandfather would no longer be a problem. You would continue to exist in your dimension even though the 'you' from dimension 'b' will never be born. Travel to the future though, is a problem of technology not a problem of possibility. A black hole for instance would be an excellent tool to achieve this however we do not currently posses the technology to get to one.

1 year and 38 weeks ago

There is a mechanism built into the universe which only allows time to move in one direction. It is normally called entropy, but entropy was originally meant to explain the loss in any exchange of energy. If one object, like say a pool ball is sitting on a pool table and is struck by the cue ball. Much of the force of the cue ball will be transferred to the pool ball but it is an impossibility for all of the energy to be transferred.
That same principle applies to every exchange of energy everywhere in the universe. This is the basis for chaos. as time moves forward there will always be a higher state of entropy or more chaos.
If you were to attempt to travel backwards in time you would be trying to reach a lower state of entropy, since you are still traveling in time it would be impossible. If anything you could only create an alternate future which somehow resembles the past but you could never reach a time before your mother vase fell on the floor and broke into thousands of shards. You would literally have to construct an identical vase and place it in the identical living room you built.
With this knowledge could we travel into the future? We would have to assume the future is already there completely formed and only waiting for time to catch up. This of course means that choice and free will are only illusions and that every action and every interaction are set in stone and nothing you or I do will have any affect. If you built a machine and traveled into the future then it has already happened in the future, in other words the future is identical to the past, completely unchangeable.
Einstein said that if one observer travels at near the speed of light and returns to where he started then everything at the point of origin will have aged much more than the intrepid traveler, essentially sending the traveler into the future. Is this really time travel? Objects all across the universe travel at different speeds, so time is different for each object. That is true of the global positioning satellites and every day the time distortion between them and us on the ground have to be adjusted, otherwise GPS would never work. A comet falling toward the sun exists in a different time frame than we do. Our time moves much faster than time does for the comet.
So back to the question, would traveling near the speed of light actually constitute time travel? No, it would only mean your local time as you traveled through space moved much slower than the place you came from. One more point is that if you reached that "future" it would be impossible to travel back.

1 year and 27 weeks ago

I like to think about the time travel in a similar way to how I would think about outer space, if I had been born in some past century. Both are (or were) unfathomable concepts that seem(ed) unattainable. We have control over our movement through space, to some extent, but just as we are always falling towards our planet, we are always falling into the future. We found a way to launch ourselves into space, so why not the past?

1 year and 25 weeks ago

How about we think about our lives as a video that we rewind and fast forward? We can correct errors and see the possible moment of the future. If you go back and forth in time, the future will be slightly different. You might buy a blue shirt instead of a green shirt. What about the 4th and 5th dimensions theory?

1 year and 24 weeks ago

I believe time is a limitation of the physical world. Theres no time or space in the deep of our conscientiousness, so there you can travel back and forth and change whatever you want (lets ignore the time travel paradox for now).

The question I'm trying to figure out is this: Why is there time in the physical world then ? Why is it needed ?

My current answer is this:

Through experiencing life we change and evolve ourselves, by that we also change the collective conscientiousness, because we are all connected to it. It is impossible to change the human collective conscientiousness from the outside of the physical world since there's no before neither after, so things do not change outside the time-space mechanism.

It means that if I evolve myself I am directly helping the evolution of the humanity, because the material that inspire every other being and myself through the intuition, the collective conscientiousness, will also get evolved.

Got to do further research to take these thoughts into a better level. What do you think of these point of view ?

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