Your wallet on Steemit -Basic Guide

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

gif created by @ninjace

Firstly click on your face @ the top right of the screen and select #wallet and you will see this

Steem, tradeable tokens that may be transferred at anytime.
Steem can be converted to Steem Power in a process called powering up.
0.000 STEEM

Influence tokens which earn more power by holding long term.
The more you hold the more you influence post rewards and earn for accurate voting.
0,000 STEEM

Tokens worth about $1.00 of Steem.

Estimated Value
The estimated value is based on a 7 day average value of Steem.

Steem are tradeable tokens that can be earned or purchased and transferred into STEEM POWER (POWER UP) or cashed out in the Steemit exchange or transferred to an external exchange.

Steem power will increase every time you get rewarded with your posts or when you are rewarded for upvoting a post. The more SP you have the more you will benefit from your posts and other posts that you Upvote. If you Upvote a post early before it gets popular and starts trending, you will get rewarded a little percentage of SP from it.

Steem Dollars are tokens which are rewarded for good content you can convert them to SP, sell them on the Steemit exchange or transfer them to an outside exchange

The estimated value is based on a 7 day average value of Steem which can go up or down, to see the value of Steem on the markets look on Poloniex,Bittrex (links below)

Crypto Exchanges


Check out the estimated interest on your SP here
Enter your Steemit username to see where you rank

#poloniex #bittrex #steemitguide #steemwhales

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bravo - cool described

Nice information, like a wiki...

Can I transfer STEEM Dollars directly to STEEM Power or do I need to convert and wait 7 days?

You wait 7 days when you redeem your SD from the Steem blockchain itself.
But you CAN sell your SD for some STEEM on the internal market (where willing buyers and sellers places their bids and asks) and receive the Steem immediately (as soon as your order fills a.k.a. someone purchases your SD)

Then you can power up your new STEEM and it turns into steempower.


Thanks..great reply

Thanks cob.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment