Stop the Bullshit before it's too latesteemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


We the people of this planet Earth do hereby profess and proclaim for all the heavens to behold that this is our planet and we will Stop the Bullshit. A planet passed down by toil, turmoil, and bloodshed. We have earned our right to profess proudly across this great little globe that we will no longer tolerate, nor accept as normal this system of monetary control. A system that thrives on hypocrisy, slave labor and castes. A system that only benefits the 1% who control the wealth of this world; but has not the decency nor the integrity to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to house the homeless, or to be decent human beings! We can no longer sustain this system of credits and debits, this system of checks and balances it’s all bullshit and we all know it!

These central banks that set up their systems in order for countries to fail have been unchallenged for much too long. They create wars and support both sides, so they can create debt for the people to wallow in. They know that the debt cannot be repaid, so they send their lobbyists into our government to persuade greedy politicians to pass laws to put us deeper into debt and thereby gain even stronger footholds into the policy making decisions and the government at large.

Here in America, the so-called leader of the free world, people are begging in the streets; yet, they cannot get any type of subsidized housing or just a ramshackle room because the greedy bastards that run this system could care less about the struggles of the common man. Some of these people are veterans of wars and some are so addicted to drugs that they are so out of touch with reality that they can no longer help themselves. And the vast majority have been disenfranchised from this system for so long that they no longer have any hopes, dreams or ambitions.

And what about the unconstitutional ‘background checks’ that keep the poor in the streets and only benefits those conducting the search. No matter if you committed a crime as a youngster thirty years ago; you are still prohibited from earning a living today because some self-righteous asshole believes that this background check defines who you are as a person. They talk about the illegal immigrants coming into this country; but they always somehow forget to mention the business owners that seek the help of those poor people because they don’t have the decency to pay an ‘American’ minimum wage! You continue to support this system of hypocrisy because you have not had the chance to just sit down and contemplate this shambles that we call America. We Will Stop the Bullshit!

Whether we are talking about the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, the military industrial complex, the healthcare system, the prison industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, or the food stamps you get every two weeks; it’s all controlled by the same people. Why do you think politicians debate over your social security; but send multi-billions to Israel every year? Billions, to a first-world country. They get the latest military weapons, the latest technology, the latest everything at no cost; but here in America people in Michigan can’t even drink the tap water! Disaster relief within our own shores take sometimes weeks!!! Police Brutality is back on the rise, racial segregation is back on the rise, and income inequality is back on the rise. How long does it take for these genius’ to figure it out? They ‘ARE’ the problem.

Here’s the deal to make it simple for all the ‘educated’ folks. You worry so much about someone smoking a cigarette too close to you; but you say absolutely nothing when someone is getting killed in your proximity. You believe gay people should not have the same rights as you; are they not also American citizens? You believe your belief system trumps everybody else; ain’t that what got you in trouble in the first place? You believe too much in what T.H.E.Y. (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) are telling you; you need to learn to think for yourself!

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