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I found you on Youtube!

Welcome @dacs :)

You ain't dreaming... the power bar is coming, I think haha

God bless that day @stackin!! :D

Some people want that powerbar to be hidden... I wonder why lol

Where do you see Steemit in 5 years? :D it is a revenge against the job interview... :). Remember in the job interview you should not be violent with the other people :D :D

I see Steem around $12-15 in around 5 years. By that time we should be on around HF-35!! :D

Steemit has found job. :D Congrats :D

That would be really good if it did go to that.

I'm going to do a Bitcoin hard fork Segwit vid later tonight to try and explain things much easier :)

I will watch out for it.

WORKING TITLE: @mindhunter discusses: What's going to happen after the hard fork in August? Will Bitcoin end like ETH and ETC? :)

Will be interesting to hear what a seasoned crypto enthusiast has to say on it. I liked your posts about unobtainium sounds like an interesting crypto, think you might be right about it going up when the new avatar movie comes out too. People are fickle creatures.

UNO and 42-coin are my 2 crypto hobbies away from Steem :)

Looks cool @bodyinbeta - thanks for that :)

I see steemit being 10.450959 in 2 years flat, Resteemed cause im cool like that You hear me Ringo?!?!?

Ringo drums to your beat m'lady! I'm ready to hit those drums FULL LOAD!! ... D'ya know what I mean?

Lol no tell me what do you mean (airhead voice)😂

i logged in yesterday only. your video is not clear to me. may be it will take some time for me to understand

Over time you'll understand I'm sure - I will try to speak slower :)