TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter

in steemit •  3 years ago 



Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.

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Pagi hari ini terlihat langit begitu cerah, tidak seperti hari-hari sebelumnya, jika dalam beberapa hari sebelumnya langit Aceh sering mendung dan di iringi rintik hujan yang membasahi bumi hal itu sedikit menghambat beberapa aktivitas kami petani seperti merawat tanaman dan lain sebagainya.

Langit cerah juga menjadi bagian dari peluang besar untuk kami para petani, banyak hal yang dapat kami lakukan di cuaca yang bagus, kami tidak perlu khawatir ketika akan melakukan aktivitas, semua yang kami lakukan akan berjalan lancar tanpa adanya hambatan sedikitpun, Terimakasih tuhan untuk cuaca hari ini.

Untuk memanfaatkan cuaca yang bagus hari ini Mimin untuk menghabiskan waktu di pagi hari puasa, Mimin mengambil beberapa pinang yang telah di panen oleh keluarga dan kemudian Mimin membelahnya menjadi dua dan menjemurnya, ini merupakan kebiasaan tradisional yang telah kami lakukan bertahun-tahun yang lalu dan khususnya di bawah cuaca yang bagus, sebenarnya cara ini sangat berisiko karena jika saja hujan datang secara tiba-tiba maka biji pinang akan berubah menjadi hitam pekat, itulah alasan mengapa kami harus melakukannya di cuaca yang sangat bagus sehingga biji pinang yang terbelah akan memiliki kualitas yang bagus.

Kami melakukan cara ini bukan tanpa alasan, jika biji pinang bulat kami jual dengan harga $1 maka pinang yang sudah terbelah seperti ini kami jual dengan harga $1.7 perkilogram yeah itu harga yang bagus bagi kami petani, jika cuaca bagus dalam satu Minggu kami mampu memproduksi pinang seperti ini sekitar 200 kilogram, jumlah yang sangat membantu untuk perekonomian keluarga kami. Read More


  • Topic - How attending cryptocurrency seminars is healthy for the growth of individuals and CEO'S in the cryptocurrency space

  • Author - @tfame3865

  • Original Post Link

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At this point in time we should knows that when it comes to life in general, knowledge is never lost. The thing you knows today will go along way into contributing to your life being positively or negatively. This is why it is said that education/knowledge is power. If you are educated and you have knowledge deep along the line, you will see a lot of people who will always recommend you to represent their body or them. This can lead you into getting paid massively. I will say that no matter what and how it looks try to improve your knowledge because it is surely power.

There is this my friend who asked me to introduced him into cryptocurrency. I did it and after two (2) years I was surprised that he visited me and showed me what he has attained in the cryptocurrency space during that two years. I must admit that I off my hat for him immediately I saw what he has known, he is a guru when it comes to cryptocurrency I must admit. Despite me introducing him into cryptocurrency I had to respect him, this is simply because he has grown more than how I know him and what I taught him. This is the power of being dedicated and focus.

While I was celebrating with him, I asked him how he managed to know all this, he told me that he spent a lot of money to learn more by attending more cryptocurrency seminars. You just need to see how I was marvelled and blown away. I said to him, my brother you are really a wise one and this shows that you want to excel in the cryptocurrency space. This is simply the reason why you did all you have done. This is amazing and I am sure that with the knowledge acquired you will surely hit apex height. I am certain that you or your name will be heard all over the cryptocurrency space very soon.

I also had a friend that asked me to put him through on what cryptocurrency is all about, I did and after few years he showed up and thanked me very much. I was really pleased to see him happy like that. He told me that during the few years he met me to put him through with cryptocurrency, his life has changed massively. Read More


Image Taken from the Original Author

I've met a lot of people along the way who have told me about their ”big dreams.” Of those I still have contact with, I must sadly report that almost none have managed to achieve those dreams.

Why Does it Seem so Difficult?

Maybe it's just a product of the world we live in — an ”entitled” society — but I’d have to submit that most of these people who fail to reach their dreams ended up in that situation simply because all they had was dreams.

What's my point?

Well, like it or not, very few things happen purely because we dream about them, or plan them… we have to be willing to work for them as well.

I grant you that some people have highly unrealistic dreams, so reaching them is almost a foregone conclusion... but that's a smallish minority.

Now some of you might be thinking ”Well duh, Captain Obvious!” but it's surprising just how many people — and particularly those who are followers of visualization programs and manifesting through intent — operate on the assumption that all you need to do is simply visualize what you want and it's going to magically drop out of the sky!

Of course there might be a few who can prove me wrong, so I'll just say in the vast majority of cases life just doesn't unfold that way.

I suppose I fit on the opposite end of the "dream scale," in the sense that I have generally not had any substantial dreams, and I tend to take a "brutally realistic" approach to life (aka: "working your ass off") and reaching personal goals. Read More


Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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