Top 3 Featured Newcomers of the Day - 5.31.2022

in steemit •  2 years ago 

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Hello Steemit Users !!

I'm an investor and a Cryptocurrency Trader on this platform. Today I will bring the Top 3 Newcomers who have submitted their Achievement 1 post in the Newcomers Community.

1st Introduction Post Submitted by @reemmir

Image Taken from the Author

Life is so unpredictable. You can never be sure about what will happen next. Even your next move is pre determined and that's bound to happen. People are bound to come in your life. Some stay and some leave. Those who stay become a part of you as they influence your life with their actions and words.
This is Hareem speaking whose life is influenced too by one of her close friends, as that friend asked her to join steemit , so here I am, writing this introductory post of mine which i hope you would enjoy. I am looking forward to work with you all on steemit, sharing my ideas and exploring new designs using my attributes.

I am 23 years old and I am currently in my last year of graduation, doing Bs in English Literature. Literature is something I have always been interested into. It helps me to read the thoughts of writer and relate it with my own intellect.

I am an extrovert who can easily manage interactions with new people. I am a fun loving person who seeks for joys in life. My zodiac sign is Pisces and I'm super imaginative, a day dreamer and a creative person. Also I'm a food lover

I am a resident of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. I belong to a middle class family. I have 4 sisters and no brother. My father runs a pharmacy and my mother is a housewife. I am the eldest one among my siblings. I am currently studying in Iqra College, affiliated with Sargodha University and I ;Alhamdullilah rank first; scoring highest cgpa in my college.

Moreover, I am blessed with good friends that play a very important role in my life. My friends are there for me whenever I need them. They cheer up my mood when I'm down for some reason. They are my happy place forever.
I have some hobbies which include watching seasons , K-dramas and listening to good music. I am also an army as I adore BTS for their good music ,their struggle and their warm friendship.

I also cook at times when I'm bored or when I'm curious to explore new taste. Besides this, I love doing photography , content writing and video editing which adds to my skills.

I find Steemit a productive platform through which I can learn more and share my views upon the peculiar articles. Let's work together with honesty and Modesty.

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2nd Introduction Post Submitted by @elshaddi

Image Taken from the Author

Hello everyone, I am super excited to be here on Steem blockchain.

Let's say information might be to some person a stepping stone to the next phase of their lives but quite, unfortunately, a handful of people still live in dark age even at the outbreak of much light and I would say I was in the dark totally unaware and uninformed of this trend of blockchain that has turned the life of many people around.

Some days ago, I met a new friend from Nigeria who told me about Steemit and how it helped him out of hunger specifically during that season of global lockdown. Fundly, I call him Evangelist but according to him, his username here is @ eldecor which happens to be his business name. I know you're quite curious about knowing me... Hold up I'll do that in a jeffy.
Who I am

My name is Elshaddai Mokube, I am hail Ekondo Titi Sub Division Ndian, South West Region in Cameroun, In Central Africa. I am the last born in a family of 7. We were Nine (9) in total but we lost two and that reduced us to 7. I absolutely enjoyed my childhood being the last born of the family, I enjoyed so many privileges from my seniors. I am a church fanatic, which means if I don't go to work, I would go to church.

I back the first decree in Law and Political Science from the University of Dschang, Advanced Level Certificate. After University, I wrote IRIC which is a Cameroun national exam that licenses you to be employed in the Cameroun National Service. I passed the exams and while I was at the panel for employment, I was asked to pay the sum of 5,000.000.00 Pounds to be offered employment and when I didn't have such funds, my result was diverted to another who could afford that amount.

Currently, I am in Nigeria and I have been here for the past 9 months due to my mum's illness I bless God I come, and most especially I met

What I Love Doing

I must say that I am one person that nature has really endowed with great potential and coupled with my Academic standing.

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3rd Introduction Post Submitted by @ninaa04

Image Taken from the Author

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Halo sobat steemians semuanya, perkenalkan nama saya Nurul Husnina yang akrab dipanggil Nina. Saya tinggal di Desa Ceubrek Pirak, kecamatan Matangkuli, kabupaten Aceh Utara. Saya berusia 20 tahun tepat di tanggal 4 Maret kemarin, saya bukan lagi teenagers sekarang he he.

Saya merupakan anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara, nama ayah saya Muhammad Jafar Ilyas dan ibu saya Ernawati. Saya mempunyai 2 adik perempuan dan 1 adik laki-laki. adik perempuan saya yang tertua bernama Sitty Humaira dan satunya lagi anak bontot namanya Alfi Inayati. Sedangkan adik laki-laki saya bernama Muhammad Fauzul Kabir.

Sekarang saya sedang mengenyam pendidikan di Universitas Malikussaleh, saya mengambil jurusan Sistem Informasi yang apa-apa berurusan dengan komputer. Belajar membuat web, desain, membuat aplikasi, menganalisis dan lain sebagainya adalah kegiatan sehari-hari di kampus.

Saya memiliki beragam hobi, mulai dari menyanyi, menulis, memotret, mengedit, melukis, menulis, menghitung dan lain sebagainya.

Saya mengambil jurusan Sistem Informasi karena saya juga menyukai komputer, saya penasaran bagaimana sebuah aplikasi dirancang sampai bisa digunakan, saya juga bercita-cita ingin membuat sebuah aplikasi yang sangat berguna bagi khalayak ramai.

Bicara tentang Steemit, awal mulanya saya mendengar dari ayah saya. Ayah saya mendapatkan informasi tersebut dari salah satu temannya yang bernama Pak Razali @ alee75. Karena ayah saya tidak bergabung dengan steemit, beliau agak sukar menjelaskan, maka dari itu keesokannya saya disuruh jumpai langsung Pak @ alee75 ke rumahnya. Dari penyampaiannya yang menarik, saya juga langsung tertarik masuk ke Steemit, lagipula saya juga hobi nulis kan.. jadi pas aja gitu.

Oiya tadi saya iseng-iseng edit, makanya foto itu ada bunganya di samping. saya tak mau halaman blog saya tidak berwarna, dan insyaAllah kedepannya saya akan edit video-video atau foto-foto agar lebih menarik lagi.

oiya sobat steemians, Alhamdulillah saya juga mempunyai beberapa prestasi, ada yang dari sekolah dan tempat pengajian. Kita bicara yang sekolah dulu, saat SD saya sempat menjuarai lomba cerdas cermat Sains dan juga gerak jalan indah, keduanya sama-sama rangking 1, saat SD saya juga menduduki rangking 1 dari kelas 1 s/d kelas 6. SMP, saya menduduki peringkat 1-5 dan menjuarai lomba baca puisi se-kabupaten Aceh Utara. selanjutnya SMA, saya menduduki peringkat 1-5 juga dan menjuarai lomba penulisan essai tingkat provinsi 2 kali, dan juga saya menjadi peserta di perlombaan cerdas cermat tingkat kabupaten dan juga menjadi anggota paduan suara di sekolah saya.

Untuk jalur pengajian, saya mendapatkan banyak penghargaan dari lomba baca kitab kuning, cerdas cermat, hafalan ayat pendek saat SD, hafalan Yasin, hafalan Do'a Amin, dan juga nasyid saat saya SMA.

Disini juga ada penghargaan untuk adik saya Sitty Humaira..

Banyak cerita yang tersemat saat saya mengikuti lomba. Semua Insya Allah akan saya kupas di penulisan-penulisan berikutnya.

Saya akan membuat postingan tentang kegiatan dan hobby saya seperti diatas. Dan saya sangat suka postingan dengan tema yang berkaitan dengan hobby saya yaitu menyanyi, menulis, memotret, mengedit, melukis, menulis, menghitung dan lain. Jadi stay tune terus ya sobat steemians..

Harapan saya, semoga dengan bergabung platform ini, saya menjadi orang yang berwawasan dan juga koneksi yang luas.

Biarpun saya belum mempunyai pengalaman dan pengetahuan tentang cryptocurrency mudah-mudahan ketika bergabung di steemit ini saya bisa menambah pengetahuan tentang cryptocurrency di samping bisa menyalurkan hobby dan berteman dengan orang banyak.

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I warmly Welcome all the above-mentioned Newcomers who have already submitted their introduction posts in this community.

Thank you All Steemians. Regards - minvestor

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