Expressed understanding

in steemit •  3 years ago  (edited)


I've heard people pray for "speed" in life, some even call it God's speed, I too used to pray such prayers but I just learnt the meaning of what I've been praying.

Speed is the rate at which something moves, but people tend to forget that someone who moves forward and then backwards has also gained some speed whether at a high rate or not the fact still remains that speed has been achieved.

So when we pray to God about speed let us try and be more precise and understand what we're asking from Him(God). As for me I prefer "velocity" at high rate...why!?

  1. Velocity is moving from one place to another without returning to that same place.

  2. Having velocity is not just getting up and start moving but it is act of moving to a particular direction.

What exactly is my point!!!??..., I prefer praying to God to help me gain movement that will only be forward to a particular destination(velocity).

I'm just trying to express my understanding but if you think that am kind of not getting the point about "speed" please and please feel free to express your understanding maturely.

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