Forgiveness and understanding are more important than flagging

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I recently had some issues on steemit but am happy to let people know things have been solved in an adult manner and have since deleted this post. Thank you to everyone for all the support in this matter and want you to know that forgiveness and understanding are the only things that will make this world a better place. I wish nothing but the best to everyone here on steemit and hope we can all be freinds!


"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

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Do you want a discussion? I am happy to talk, especially about what I said, but you got very angry with me yesterday, and I have no wish for a flamefest. Especially when that is going to cost me the reputation that I have worked hard for.

We can talk. And I will be civil.

Will you?

I got angry because u started harassing other people on my page and u claimed that i was basically a liar because i hadnt had the chance to check out all the things u said and give u an honest reply.. i actually had started a comment back to u saying that u had good material that makes some of my points much harder to argue but i had a vet appt and then dinner with friends and by the time i got back i saw u started claiming i was a liar to my followers and friends cuz i hadnt changed my post or commented back.. that really pissed me off! Say whatever u like to me, i will never flag that, but it was unexceptable to troll other people.

I dont care if u want to continue the discussion or not, we obviously have two different opinions that wont change, but i wanted to understand ur reasoning behind ur thoughs..

i know u are rather new here and i know it was harsh to do what i did but i wanted u to understand that u dont do that type of stuff on steemit.. it is not like fb or any other social media, we are a caring community here. I appologize for going so over the top, im sure some of it has to do with me being stressed out about moving out of the country next week and u happened to get the blunt of it.. i appreciate u commenting on this post and wanting to be civil about things so i will remove all the flags and this post so since we both might have gone a bit over the top, passionate people sometimes do that without realizing it.. i am definitely guilty of that every now and then so i apologize again for that..
Take care

I very much appreciate your considered reply, and the apology that comes with it, which I happily accept.

I actually had a whole post typed out, but I won't use it. However, I do want to say a few things in my defence. This is the post that upset you so much, said to another commenter:

“It's ironic that you cite false facts when the OP wrote one (to be fair he has since withdrawn it), and has cited a false one about knife deaths that still sits there.”

I accept that this post was a little provocative, and I am happy to offer an apology for that. I was impatient because you hadn't replied to me, and this is my bad.

However, I balk at your opinion that it constitutes "harassment" of another user, or that this equates to "trolling". I am new here, but I am not new to internet exchanges, and I am no troll, and I do not harass people.

I didn't call you a liar. I said that you had cited a "false" fact. We don't need to get into it if you don't want to, but that 2015 FBI report does not say that there were more knife deaths than gun deaths as you had claimed. And you must know this by now. This makes it false, doesn't it? This doesn't make you a liar. That report is cited by a lot of pro-gun people, and I understand why you used it to make your point.

I also gave you credit for withdrawing another comment.

I have no wish for this to become an argument now that peace has broken out between us, and I am happy for us to agree to disagree on the wider points of this exchange.

And I am deeply sympathetic towards anyone in a stressful situation. Stress is the mother of all fuckers, and I can understand how easy it is for it to have an affect on one's behaviour. I know this from bitter personal experience.

I am happy to keep talking. Or we can leave it here, in peace (I hope).

I have already spent way more time on this issue than I honestly have time for with my move coming up in one week. I prefer to write about happy experiences not negative ones because i don't like to invite that shit into my life. My bottom line was people should take more responsibility for their actions and not blame it on objects, nothing anyone can say or do will ever make me feel otherwise so we will have to agree to disagree.
I wrote the post rather fast as I was disgusted by all the blame on the guns and apologize for the discrepancies in my article, I really should have done much more due diligence before coming out with a post on such a sensitive subject.
You seem like a good person who truly believes in your cause and I can respect that. I will continue to spend my money to boost the post of yours that I like until I feel the damage I caused on your profile score is back to its normal level. I apologize for going to the extremes I did but I want you to know it wasn't because we disagreed on a matter, it was because you felt the need to drag other steemians into our discussion for absolutely no reason. I don't know what you consider trolling but to me (and the steemit platform) that is out of line.
I will now removed this post because there is no need to put any more negativity out on steemit because of this issue.
I wish you nothing but the best in the future and on steemit. Take care.

I am happy to leave it there too. You have no need to make any further reparations - I don't really understand how all this all works, but I don't think too much damage was done.

We're not going to agree on guns, or on what constitutes trolling, but that's okay, we're grown-ups and are allowed to have our own opinions!

Enjoy Costa Rica. I went then the Christmas before last (Montezuma), and it was the best two weeks of my life.

See you around.

Thanks man.. im pretty excited about it.. hopefully i will find time to do an updated post about it tonight or tomorrow..

I am glad we are just leaving it where it is too.. i think u are a pretty cool cat and hopefully we can just put this all behind us and possibly even become friends (i honestly like when people challenge my beliefs, it teaches me to grow and think outside my normal views)..

Anyhow, I am going to change my guns post knife statistic by tonight, i juat want to replace it with a better one and i am crazy busy today already.. my fiance is pissed i keep jumping on steemit every chance i get to fix this mess, she says we got mire important things to do, but this is important to me to and want to see it thru..

Hope u have a great day.. take care..

I read your post, and while I dont agree with your stance, it is just that, YOUR stance. Its your post. Steemit to me is not a place to argue. Save that crap for facebook! Like momma says, if you dont have nothing nice to say, dont say nothing at all!

My grandma always use to say that same thing! Lol.. i generally try not to comment to much on articles i dont agree with but i understand some people feel the need to say their peace and i can respect that. I just know i cant change someones outlook on life in a few comments so why piss someone off? Like i said, i am always open to a good conversation about anything as long as people can keep their cool and not harass anyone else on my page..
I appreciate u saying u dont agree on my other post, that doesnt mean we dont agree on other things. Thats the great part about steemit, its a community thats not about trolling at all..
I have met many like minded people on this platform that dont agree with some of my views, thats ok i get it, i see the world different than most but that shouldnt make people angry.. thanks for the comment.

Definitely! If you get angry at someone for something as simple as a post of their opinion than that says a lot about you as a person. And if thats the case, I dont want that type of person in my feed! Politics, religion and most things government have a place but I personally dont think that its on social media. But to each their own. If you dont like it, scroll on by! Everyones entitled to their own opinion! Ill throw another old quote out there... opinions are like assholes, we all got one! And sometimes they stink! Doesnt mean you stick your nose in someone elses! ;)

lol, my dad says that quote constantly!! but it ends with AND THEY ALL STINK! lmao.. seems like we have a lot in common.. thanks for the thoughtful comments.. i agree i prolly should just stay away from touchy subjects like this, it doesn't bring any positivity to my life only drama and thats not what im about.

LOL! Yes! Positivity is the only way to go :D
Peace, love and positivity! <3

I really hope steemit doesn't become a place where disagreement leads to flagging. Steemit is a place to have a conversation about things and trying to find which solution makes more sense, it is not about trying to convince people of your viewpoint or even worse hating on/flagging people with differing opinions. keep it up man!

i totally agree man.. I would never flag anyone for disagreeing with me but when you start dragging other people into it who are just commenting to me I feel it is trolling and that is unacceptable in my book.
Everything has since been resolved in a mature manner, and i have removed all flags.

@matbaker and @moderndayhippie, I feel as if I should chime in here, the referenced comment was a reply to me, I just want to say that the longer I'm here the more I'm loving Steemit. This is the stuff you DON'T see on other social media sites. You guys had a squabble, you discussed it, and you squashed it! It's so refreshing... it IS still possible to agree to disagree and still be friends!! You guys rock 🤘

Ha. Thanks. It has been suggested to me that my comment was "harassment". Now, I am struggling to accept that, but I don't get to control other people's perceptions, so if I did upset you with my reply, please accept my apology.

Your comment didn't upset me at all, it takes an awful lot for that, and there's really no need to apologize, this issue was not between you and I. I accept it all the same. I've quickly come to realize that there are a lot of passionate people here, from all walks of life. I'm all for a good debate, maybe you can change my mind or maybe I can change yours. I'm just glad that we can put this behind us now.

Thanks. I have to say I thought it was a storm in a teacup. I was a bit surprised to wake and see all the, uhh, passion!

Yes. Move on! See you around.

I read your post from yesterday. While there are some things I don't totally agree with, I am a proud gun owner and I agree that people have the right to protect themselves the way they see fit. That sucks you had to flag someone but people need to understand that someone with different opinions doesn't mean they are evil. Also, thank you for your service!!

Thank you for your honesty, i may have gone a bit over the top but i think it is important to protect my followers and friends on steemit from getting harassed on my page for sharing their opinion. Everything has since been resolved in a mature manner, and i have removed all flags.

Great to hear!!!!

Hey, I really appreciate how you handled that situation and in my opinion, you are what makes Steemit worth investing time into. I'm serious. Everyone, all parties, seem to be trying to strip our most basic rights away from us including our freedom of speech. People no longer seem to care about civil discussion or finding a solution, they only care about fighting for their side. To the guy who was hating, forget about them. They are not worth your time. Thank you for honestly investigating an issue that you care about and attempting to have a discussion, because that is what will make us strong. God bless.

Thank you so much for your support! I agree, with everything you said! But I am happy to say we worked it out and hopefully people can take something away from this whole ordeal.. Being angry and upset and shoving opinions down other peoples throats gets you no where, in all honesty it just makes things so much worse. I think this was a passionate subject and sometimes those conversations can get a bit heated but trolling other people for no reason at all is unacceptable. However, forgiveness and understanding are the most important things to remember. I always say doing the right thing is seldom the easy thing to do.. ;)

this discussion was actually very good one. most People were sensible something that is not common on the "guns" challenges. so when someone does not manage to see others views, and destroys for others. you did what is correct.
am compliment you on these post and write about it afterwards,

thanks man! i really appreciate your support on the manner. It was a hard decision for me as I do not take flagging lightly, but i think it was the right one to protect my followers and the ideals of steemit (not being a place for trolls).. i am happy to say tho that it has since been resolved in a mature manner. Sucks that it had to go so far before it could be fixed, but sometimes people get passionate and don't realize what they are doing or saying. I am definitely guilty of that too so I can't judge someone else for it.

Good for you man. Have an upvote for you troubles! I came so close once when I saw someone posting pictures, etc that wasn't his but I had only been on steemit for a few days and didn't want to start out making enemies. Next time I see that, I'm on it!

making enemies is never good and that is definitely not what steemit is about. But neither is trolling. We have to make sure when we flag it is for a good cause and protecting my followers and friends seemed like a good cause to me. I appreciate your support and want to let you know this manner has since been solved in an adult manner. :)

One of the things I most appreciated about this platform was the mature conversations that I found possible that I hadn't seen elsewhere. As a Catholic, I expected to be a little ostracized, but instead, while I haven't really engaged in much that's been particularly controversial, I really have felt that the freedom to really talk here was special.

It's my hope it stays that way or at least grows in that direction. It's so important to be able to talk about things that actually matter--most people don't understand that the polarization only grows otherwise, and the people you disagree with end up moving even further in the direction you hate.

Not sure about the flagging on this one specifically, but I do appreciate your thought process (as usual! I've missed a lot of your posts lately, but this makes me want to go ands catch up!). :)

I agree, I think it is extremely important to hear other views on the manners and not hate just because people disagree. If we only hang out with people who always agree no one will ever change their ideals and that leads to some pretty crazy actions (always stoking the fire). Thank you for your honesty on the issue, you are right, i may have gone a bit over the top but i think it is important to protect my followers and friends on steemit from getting harassed on my page for sharing their opinion. I am happy to say that everything has since been resolved in a mature manner, and i have removed all flags and am trying my best to help him get his profile points back, he actually seems like a good person who I may have really gotten along with if we started off on a different post. I guess this kind of thing happens on sensitive subjects like this one. :/

When I said I wasn't sure, I really meant it as neutral rather than disapproving! I just really meant I wasn't sure lol.

But honestly: that is awesome that it unfolded that way. That this kind of thing is possible says a lot about Steemit--reasonableness really can win. And now you've made a buddy, and many people have been influenced to be reasonable as well. Good work!

Good for you and I'm sorry to hear that in this day and age there are still such nasty and closed minded people. You stood up for people you care about and that's never wrong in my opinion. You have also showed that you are indeed the better person by showing a willingness to forgive and move forward. Well done.

Thanks for your support on this matter.. I dont think he is all that bad, i think he may just have been as passionate as me but coming from the other direction so we clashed pretty hard which is fine, i can understand that. its just not fine saying those type of things to other people who just commented their opinions on my post not on his comment. We have since talked and figured it out and i am happy about that. all flags have been removed. :) understanding and forgiveness are so incredibly important these days and it is very under rated. hate only breeds more hate and that is not what i am about..

Just want to say I couldn't agree more. Just do what your doing. Say how you feel. And keep on steemin. Hate don't fly.

Thanks! I love that people on steemit are so against hate and negativity (and trolling), it is one of the things that make this platform so awesome! but acceptance and forgiveness are extremely important too, without that things will never change! i have now figured things out with this person and we have both agreed it went to far. Now i am in the process of fixing things with him. Hopefully this type of thing wont happen anymore now. :)

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It's always great to settle issues and problems; even better when it happens in an adult way.

I never saw the issue, or previous post, before this one... maybe better not to. I avoid drama at every turn.

Have a great day!!! Hope your adventure is going well!

Thanks to all for common sense. Now on to bigger and better things. Damn wish our government could show a little. Things might just get done to make things GREAT. Not going backwards like they have been for decades now. Oh and not just blaming the POTUS. I blame them all.

I blame them all too! they are what make this country shitty! half the reason we want to leave.. i figure might as well try somewhere else..