[ STEEMIT DEMOGRAPH SURVEY ] Early Results Made Live |

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians, as promised the results for the demograph survey is as follows: * note that due to lack of exposure the project was extended to the 15th of August. Unfortunately the first post did not receive much attention, so we are asking your help to make this a group effort.

Results so far: * note inputs with 0 participants are not included in the results. (Total of 10 Participants)

  • Gender: 100% Male
  • Age: - Under 18 - 10%
    - 18-29 years old - 20%
    - 30 - 49 years old - 70%
  • Location: - Africa - 30%
    - Europe - 30%
    - North America - 20%
    - Australia/Oceania - 20%
  • Employment Status: - Full time - 90%
    - Part Time - 10%
  • How did you learn about steemit: - search engines - 20%
    - crypto community - 40%
    - word of mouth - 10%
    - news & media - 30%
  • How often do you visit steemit: - more than once daily - 90%
    - maybe once daily - 10%
  • At which time of day do you mostly visit steemit: - early morning - 20%
    - no particular time - 80%
  • Would you say you have a good understanding of how the steemit platform works:
    no - 20%
    yes - 80%
  • How would you rate the steemit platform for ease of use and functionality(10 meaning perfect):
    9 out of 10 - 30%
    8 out of 10 - 20%
    6 out of 10 - 20%
    5 out of 10 - 20%
    2 out of 10 - 10%

That concludes the results thus far. Hopefully we can jump this number to make the survey more accurate.
I'm asking for all who views this post to please participate and vote as we can not do it without you :D

To start the quick 1 min survey: https://mono7.typeform.com/to/PvtoeU

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Survey is closed due to lack of participants..I tried to no avail :D

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

30% from africa, excited about that. Next time get more participants though, this data is pretty much invalid.

You can still participate, I've extended the time frame of the survey until the 15th. Kinda difficult to get people to help...since I don't like spamming and have no real following it's difficult to get it out there, or for me at least :D

Just an additional note that we don't collect any personal information..so no worries there :D